What age you are and what age gap you would consider for a dating/marriage relationship?

  1. I am 25 in a few days. So far every guy was around 3-5 years older. I guees, I am finde with 1 yesr younger than me up too 10 years older, but I seem to prefer those 3-5 years older.

  2. I’m 40, and I’d be okay with no more than 10 years in age difference, though would prefer closer to 5. Any more than that just seems weird to me.

  3. Not more than 10 years of age gap. The generational gap would otherwise be wayyyy too much

  4. I’m 26. Youngest I’d go is 21. I don’t tend to date younger guys often though. I just tend to get along better with older people (not just with dating, but with friendships too). Oldest I’d say maybe early 50’s?

  5. I’d only date someone within the same age range as me. I’m currently 25 & would only date someone between 20-30 right now. Not sure about 30-35.

  6. I’m 26 and I think I’d be okay with a someone 10 years older than me. Any more than that and I think it’d be too much generational difference. And I don’t think I’d date anyone younger than me

  7. I’m 22 and I only date people older than me. I’d go up to a 10 year age gap.

  8. I stopped thinking about that when I married a guy that is 16 years older

  9. I dated up to 13 years younger and 7 years older. That was ok at the time, but right now I don’t see myself repeating this.

    I am looking very close to my age, that is 2-3 years around and that feels best.

    Growing into my forties I found it increasingly diffcult to deal with elder men. The world has developed and dating has developed and I find men even only 5 years older often having mindsets that feels stuck to me.

  10. When it comes to marriage, I wanted a partner my age (I’m 34, my husband is 36).
    When it comes to sex I don’t really care about age.

  11. I’m twenty and have been dating someone a year and a half younger for three years. My age range is pretty restricted right now because so many life changes happen that people get on completely different pages pretty quick, so I think I would only go within two years on either side

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