My bf accused me of cheating yesterday and said some pretty hurtful things. Eventually he calmed down and said sorry and went to bed. In the morning he explained why he felt that way and said he felt bad and that he regretted it. I told him I couldn’t really process how I felt about it bc I had a very important meeting I was up early and leaving for today. But I told him it would be ok, that I understood, and I hugged him goodbye.

Now. Wouldn’t you think he would do something to maybe be sweet or do something helpful like the pile of dishes from the last 3 days, or make the bed? (We both work full time.) He gets home, takes a long shower, then lays down. Then comes to me an hour later and says “why are you being like that?” Unfazed I guess was how I was acting bc I just did all the dishes, walked the dog, cleaned the apt, etc while he laid there. I said hi when he got home, but I didn’t run to him and show excitement like I usually do. Why would I? I think it’s reasonable to expect him to do something to express kindness to make up for how hateful he was? Why is it on me for being some kind of way, what does he want?

  1. Maybe it’s just because I’m petty but I’d ignore his ass. I’d never forgive him that easily for false accusations. I’d want to talk things through before any action.

  2. No, I don’t think you should expect him to do any kind of “penance” to make up for his bad behavior. He should do these things, but you should not expect him to do so.

  3. Hmm falsely accuses of you of cheating while getting angry one word comes to mind


    Now I’m not saying he’s cheating but usually when one partner accuses the other of cheating, who has given no reason to be accused its usually cause the accuser is up to no good themselves i would definitely start taking a closer look at him and his actions and keeping your eyes open

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