TL:DR my gf dumped me for mental health reasons and me not being supportive. Now she wants to try again in a couple weeks and idk what to do.

Basically my ex gf dumped me due to her mental health being in decline (which I’ve noticed) and me not being a supportive partner but more over bearing and clingy adding onto her problems. She told me she just couldn’t handle everything anymore. She made it clear what we had before her mental health decline was great and if it wasn’t for that we could get through this.

It was a clean break up. I apologized for things I should’ve done better and didn’t do. She wants to try to go on a date in a couple weeks and see what happens when we have both have had time to apart from each other.

Today she txted me out of no where saying it’s hard for her and wishes she could see me but if she did that she would still feel upset with her personal issues going on. I just told her okay, I’m glad she told me and whenever she is ready she can reach out; and I have no expectations.

I know if I had been more supportive and less overbearing things would’ve been fine. That’s a partners job; when their SO is going through a tough time put your needs on the back burner for a bit and do what you can to support and help.
I’m just playing it cool until she’s ready.

I understand why going NC is important. And I understand why getting back is usually not good. But I think considering the circumstances it’s not unrealistic and bad.

Does anyone see anything wrong with this situation? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

  1. She didn’t breakup because of one episode and her mental health is not yours to fix. Its called a breakup for a reason.

  2. She did the right thing to end ti so that she can get well. You should get a mentor to become less clingy etc.

  3. I make it a policy to not seek relationships with women who need long term mental health care. There are a ton of well adjusted people out there.

    If she needs to pursue her mental health maybe it’s best to let her focus on that.

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