TW: mentions of su1c1de

Hi, so I(19F) have this online friend(18M), we’ve been texting for near 3 months. After one month, they occasionally started to trauma dump to me (at least once a day). I was fine the first few times bc I specifically told them that they could tell me everything.

I started to feel bad when they started to blame me and that it got so occasional.

Their venting is always in the lines of trauma dumping like: I want to disappear, I don’t want to be myself, I can’t take it anymore, I want to d1e etc. They text me something like this every day.

I tried to advice maybe they should go to therapy. They said they went to therapy and it didn’t work.

Last days they said they will k1ll themselves. I reminded that again, therapy. They got really mad and said I didn’t remember that they said “it didn’t work”. I said maybe another therapist will work etc. They are yet to tell me the cause of their trauma (and they don’t need to if they don’t want) but I can’t give rational advice since I do not know what it is that they are going through. They texted me multiple days after this happened and said they were really close to doing something “stupid”.

They keep telling me no one cares and when I say I do they keep asking that is it true. They do not believe me in the end. All these and many other conversations that are similar have happened between us multiple times.

Today they sent me voicemails. They were shouting. Shouting about how no one gives a shit about anyone in life etc. Kind of shouting at me too. They said how people say they are there for them and then they don’t want to listen to their trauma or just say to them “idk”. I don’t want to be that person for them.

On the other hand I know I said they can tell me anything but this is effecting me too. The best advice I have is a therapist and they rejected it. Honestly I do not want to talk to them anymore. Yet I am so scared they may the something stupid or su1c1de if I stop talking to them. The daily trauma dump has been going on for 2 months and I’ve had enough.

Do I just ghost them? Do I tell I don’t want to hear their trauma dumping? I don’t think I can bring myself to tell them I don’t want to hear their trauma dumping after they specifically talked about people who say they care then they don’t want to hear..

I have no idea what yo do. I may just ghost them, this feels like the best option for me for now 🙁

TLDR – A friend has been trauma dumping every day for 2 months and I do not want to hear it anymore. Not sure how to handle it.

  1. I used to have a friend like this. It was exhausting. I ended up ghosting him. Always prioritize your own mental health. 3 months is such a non significant amount of time. Don’t feel guilty for blocking this person.

  2. >>I don’t think I can bring myself to tell them I don’t want to hear their trauma dumping after they specifically talked about people who say they care then they don’t want to hear..

    They are saying this to set you up so you can’t draw a boundary around their behavior.

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