My girlfriend is completely amazing in every single way except one. Her farts are RANCID, and she farts extremely often. If she has broccoli the entire room becomes uninhabitable. How can I approach this issue with her? I really can’t stand it.

Edit: we talked about it, and she’s going to try taking some beano. Thank god. Some of the comments on this post have made us crack up, and we thank the people who’ve posted legitimate advise.

  1. Gently, suggest she see a doctor because you’re worried about her health. Sounds like food intolerance. A doc can help get to the…bottom…of it 🤭. Drinking plenty of water and getting exercise can also work wonders. Digestive enzymes and antigas pills are amazing too. I bloat like a dump truck and have absolutely horrifying farts when I’m not exercising and eating well.

  2. Well, she might actually have a digestion issue. Let her know you’re worried for her health and that she should maybe check it with her doc some time.

    It could be just a food intolerance, but also more serious digestive issues.

  3. Some of the respondents have never had chronic constipation, lactose intolerance, IBS, ulcerative colitis, crohns disease, or colon cancer and it really shows. There’s damn my partner has smelly farts, then there’s someone who clears a room more often than the general population and may may also be in pain/at high risk for disease. White lies and good intentions aren’t always the answer when somebody’s health is at risk. However, this type of issue is extremely common within my family and myself.

  4. You’re farts smell really bad, I think you need to get that checked out.

    She also should probably take supplements that help her to be less gassy.

  5. She’s just trying to assert dominance in the relationship. You can either acquiesce or fight back.

  6. Fellow farter!!

    I have celiacs, lactose intolerance, and IBS

    Legit I have no option but to toot most of the time or my tummy feels like it’s being stabbed. My friends, family, partners have had to deal.

    She should def get checked out.
    Also, beano and omeprazole is a beautiful combo before a meal you know is gonna make your belly hurt.

    Tell her your concerned. Get some air fresheners, open windows, a fan…
    It’s a medical issue. We all have bodys. Everyone toots.

  7. Might be an issue with her gallbladder. My daughter had fought a few issues that were strange. Brought up a few of the ones that most bothered her to her doctor, he diagnosed that her gallbladder needed to be removed. Found out many of her other symptoms that we thought were in no way related, were all gallbladder issue symptoms. Had the sucker removed, she is doing much better now. Have her talk to her doctor.

  8. Kindly start taking probiotics together? If that doesn’t help ask her to see a doc.

  9. Talk to them about it start with asking them how it feels from their point of view. My partner had tummy problems his family ignored. When he voiced his own complaints about his situation to me I said I really thought he should get checked out because its not normal to have such frequent tummy problem. First Dr. said it was acid reflux stop eating fried food. I immediately called bullshit and recommended he see another doctor turns out he was allergic to eggs and milk. He is feeling much better these day with a simple diet adjustment. It’s amazing to me how doctors forget not everyone can digest milk but not everyone allergic throws it up or goes into anaphylactic shock. Some people’s tummy stops digesting properly when food allergens are consumed.

  10. This reminds me of when my ex said my fart smelt of cabbage and I was so mortified I’ve never farted in front of any other partners lol

  11. Throw all the broccoli and beans away and never let them back in the house.

  12. Try Psyllium Husk Powder. It’s a great source of fiber. Mix a tbsp with 8oz of water before or after meals. It’ll help regulate digestion and is good for healthy poops, especially if she’s constipated/has trouble passing the matter.

  13. Had the same issue with my boyfriend. It was bad for about 5 months, then started going away. Never figured out what it was. So strange

  14. good answer: “babe, i want you to know that i love you a lot and i am really worried you might have some digestion issues. i keep noticing some things after you eat cheese or broccoli, and i asked some friends with food intolerances for some vague info, and it made me worry that you’re putting yourself in pain that would be really easy to prevent. can i help you figure out how to address this with the doctor? i wouldn’t be so pushy but one of them talked about the long term damage this kind of thing can do and it scared the fuck out of me, and i just want to make sure you’re okay.”

    bad answer: acquire dog to blame the farts on

  15. What you described is literally what my boyfriend and I go through. I’m the farter and he’s the long-suffering victim.

    Gas is normal. However, rabid farts that happen all of the time is not. If you have the funds to, please have her see a doctor. It’s going to take a while and a few referrals to specialists, but it will definitely be worth it.

    If you can’t afford that, do what you can to try and pinpoint what makes her farts worse and cut it out from her diet. Milk, wheat, FODMAPS, certain supplements (mine is chia seeds), etc.. You don’t have to do this all I once, but definitely something to look into.

    Hang in there. She’s not trying to do this on purpose. Digestive issues are a bitch.

  16. Until we got to the broccoli part, I was worried that you may have been my boyfriend lol. Typically my stomach starts acting up around my period. But I feel so bad about it. If I knew what food it was that caused this, I would try and steer clear of it. But your girlfriend my actually have digestive issues.

  17. I’d purchase an oversized keg bung and deploy it asap. Broccoli farts are the fucking worst

  18. my husband’s are so bad that he farted on the main floor of his mom’s house and she woke up from a dead sleep gagging in her bedroom through a closed door. he went to the doctor and they ran a bunch of tests, he had a colonoscopy, turns out he just has fragrant gut bacteria.

    so it’s a good idea for her to see a doctor if she’s in pain and there might be something wrong! but also be prepared if there’s not. for me the good FAR outweighs occasionally choking to death.

  19. I’m not sure if anyone else suggested this on here but after you have a heart to heart. I highly suggest you look into buying a product called Beano.
    I know someone who buys it for their special needs child who can’t really control holding in their gas/burps and are just generally really gassy. It can be embarrassing for them and it’s really helped their situation.

  20. Not sure about broccoli, but she might be lactose intolerant. Lactose pills and Beano work great.

  21. I read somewhere that your farts don’t smell as bad to you as they do to other people. Its possible (if that is true) that she doesn’t realize the full extent of the problem?

  22. Just say darling, respectfully, it smells like something crawled up your ass and died

  23. That’s the problem with a healthy diet. Just be like me and eat meat and pizza, get super constipated, and poop once a day. Rarely do I get bad gas.

  24. Speaking from experience, if she has any issues surrounding her menses it could be related to that. Made a boyfriend have regular PTSD and flash backs due to a couple of my farts. He already knew what was going on with me physically though and I was incredibly self aware and warned him in advance. You could melt paint with my farts, or singe nose hairs. 😟

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