If you could go back in time to one moment in your life, which one would you choose?

  1. Summer 2014 I think I played call of duty and halo with my cousins 19 hours a day for 3 months and ate a lot of ice cream ,pizza and burgers

    Wait a minute how much I weight, Ohhh that’s why

  2. 13 Before political correctness. I was my adult size. We still had twin towers and easy air travel. Everything was cheap. The internet was a meaningless dorkdum. I’m not even sure we had reached AOL disc spam yet. All I did outside school where I socialized with friends was build shit, hunt, and fish. I could also do different stuff than I did before and get to experience new things. Before everyone got fat too. I get to see a whole lot of people who are dead now. Yup. I would thoroughly enjoy loading that save.

  3. Go back and do things over with my college ex. I’d try harder so that I wouldn’t have fucked things up.

  4. I’d go back 3 years and start screening my dog for cancer, maybe we could have beat it if we found out sooner. I miss her every single day. Fuck cancer.

  5. May 27th of 1997

    My life changed that day. Accused of something that i didnt do and i beat it, but unfortunately the law kept adding lesser crimes to get me down and they succeeded, and it ruined my life for 17 years.

    Also during that same time a woman who was like a 2nd mother to me and she abandoned me like i was nothing. I learned that Divine Intervention was real… I learned that spirits were real and were watching over me. I learned that MOST religious people were fake and liars.

    The day in question was the day my life was destroyed and if i could go back and save myself from that… then i would.

  6. I’d say when I was 12, since I didn’t have any worries back then and I was not as self conscious or anxious as I am now. I used to like going outside and not feel the pressure that’s over my head, nor the dread I have every once in a while. At that time, my future was ambiguos and I liked it that way. I think I would’ve been less suicidal back then too.

  7. I don’t know the date, but there’s a moment in 2005 that I had an opportunity that I turned down and to this day regret the way it went. In fact I’d do over all of 2005-2007.

  8. I would hold my son as a baby again.

    He’s alive and thriving, this isn’t a tragic story. I would just like to enjoy the simple pleasure of babyness again.

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