I’ve heard heroin in legal for medical uses in the UK. I was wondering what it’s like. Personally I’ve had morphine as an American but not it’s more dreadful cousin.

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  2. Pethedine is similar, and used to relieve pain in childbirth.

    Never had it though – as am bloke. Wife was off her tits on it though.

  3. Had oramorph (oral morphine) and immediately vomited, then wasn’t allowed any more pain meds for 12 hours because morphine and I cannot recommend doing it that way if you have the option. Mostly just involved being in a lot of pain for the subsequent 12 hours.

  4. My mum, who is possibly the person least likely to take drugs in the entire universe, had whatever the medical heroin stuff is when she was giving birth to my older siblings in the 70s. When quizzed by me years later, she simply said “I can understand why people like it”.

  5. Had diamorphine as part of a cocktail of drugs given for my c section and at the time I whispered to my husband discretely “I feel fucked, like I’m at Glastonbury”. Later he told me I pretty much shouted that out loud at all the staff in theatres

  6. Diamorphine is the medical equivalent and while I haven’t had it myself my grandma did which she was in hospital. She hallucinated and had a constant smile.

  7. For two weeks I was on a “self administered” dose of Fentanyl.

    Intravenously, I could simply press a button for a new dose.

    The “delivery machine” was really on a simple timer … once every 15 mins max … Phone on a recurrent countdown timer … “whoosh” …..

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