
What’s up with the men who jackrabbit fuck? Some women need a man who’s going to take his time and not pound us into the next century. There are a lot of ways to move a dick inside a pussy and fucking like a jackrabbit isn’t it. Just saying

  1. usually cause my girl is screaming for me to pound her harder…

    if you are having issues probably just communicate

  2. Hmmmm u kno I think balance is very important when it comes to sex. Just jackhammering all the time isn’t it, but often times that’s how I orgasm so I definitely love it at times

  3. I am once again commenting just to say if this is happening and you don’t like it then **talk** to you partner. Odds are they’ve never had a female communicate that only feels good in porn.

  4. Yep there is. I’ve tried most of them. I’m not sure if she just wants me to have a heart attack but the only time she pike PIV is when I’m fucking her like she’d a ketchup bottle down to the last teaspoon. Odd. Not the sex I enjoy particularly but for every post complaining about jack hammering, I see a post complaining about slow sensual love making. Guys will tend to go hard as I guess were driven to sexually want to dominate and take control, but seems like you women all like different things. Who’d have thought. We should come colour coded like resistors. Red red yellow. Likes a good hard long fuck, medium kinky.

  5. I fuck at all speeds. The best vibrators have like 20 speeds and 8 settings. Why wouldn’t I ???

    Sounds like you just need to access their verbal command center and trigger a slower setting. Usually saying “Hey I love sex with you but can we start slower, last a little longer, and work our eay up to the jackhammer setting” works pretty well

  6. Need me a man who fucks like this tbh. Some women like getting absolutely railed from every direction

    I think they do it that way 1. Because it feels good for them and 2. Because they assume it feels good for you. If it doesn’t, it’s your job to tell him that. If you don’t communicate anything during sex, you can’t be mad about how they assume you’ll like it

  7. >There are a lot of ways to move a dick inside a pussy

    But the issue is with the specific dick that is moving inside of your specific pussy. So posting here isn’t going to change anything. You’ll have to have an actual convo with the actual dude attached that specific dick.

  8. “Pound us into the next century ” 😂😂😂 soo good.
    I know guys who gave an prewarning that that’s what they liked and how they will have sex. Apparently it feels they are into controll and they were aware it’s not something for every women. And aparently thats how they can have an orgasm.

  9. It’s all about communication. I personally think that there should be an even mix of super rough pounding me into the next century and being loving and gentle and taking his time.

  10. I never jackhammer, and I personally hate jackhammering. But I can tell you why so many men believe that women want to be jackhammered. And it’s women that they’ve had sex with.

    Of course, some of it is the state of popular pornography as well. But I’ve ran into more women who wanted me to mercilessly pound the ever-living fuck out of their vaginas at high speed than not. I don’t have sex with those women, because I don’t enjoy that kind of sex. But it’s insanely popular.

    Worse yet, some men have traumatic experiences regarding this stuff. I know plenty of guys who were told by women they had sex with that going slowly or being passionate is “unmanly”. Basically we’re told on all sides, from media, to porn, and even by women in our lives, that being rough, hard and fast is desirable and expected of us. It ties in with the societal expectation that men are not allowed to be vulnerable, emotional or tender. What do you expect men who have been raised this way to think sex is supposed to be like?

    What can you do? Communicate with your partners. Tell them you don’t want to be jackhammered. Show them how you like it. Trust me, many of them will be thanking you.

  11. I think these men didn’t bother to communciate with what their partner likes. Or their partner doesn’t communicate with them. I guess people tend to mindread about what feels good for their partner. When I see men do the jackrabbit in porn, I just can’t help but to think, “he’s fucking her like he would with him and his hand” I wish the camera man would give him some pointers. Or the pornstar…

  12. Hmmm. It totally depends on the pussy. I find that in general (of course not all) women like one to come in soft/slow/gentle and then ramp it up in stages, and for the final stage if they’re really into it and turned on then absolutely pounding them is relished. I mean, not every time – one has to read the room, and it may just not be something that I’m up for – but definitely sometimes. YMMV.

  13. It feels really, really fucking good, and all I’ve ever been told was “harder” and “faster”? Feels like what a huge number of people want in order to keep up with vibrators.

  14. > Some women

    That’s the crux of it.


    If the both of you aren’t communicating then it’s hard to know who’s who.

  15. My girl LOVES getting pounded. I prefer a slower pace and changing speeds, but once I start giving it to her hard and fast she hates when I slow it back down.

  16. I like to go slow myself; very slow thrusts where I grab her hips to go as deep as I can every few thrusts. Haven’t had any complaints on the technique, if anything I’ve noticed more overall arousal than they get from the jackhammer method but part of that may be because I last significantly longer going slow.

  17. I love getting pounded hard – deep – fast. Jackhammering is something else though. To me it’s not hard or deep at all. It’s shallow and really really fast and not satisfying whatsoever. Feels completely pointless to me and I don’t find it sexy at all.
    I once slept with a guy who would always jackhammer fuck. He’d be on top of me and sort of dig his elbows into the bed, then take a deep breath and go as fast as he could while almost holding his breath. Stop, take a breath, start over. He’d do that for a few minutes and then finish. Wth was that. The first time we had sex I almost started laughing cause I’d never met a man so disinterested in my pleasure and who fucked like this, it was just WEIRD. To me, that’s what jackhammering is and I really don’t see the point at all.
    I did in fact also try to talk to him about it and said I was confused why he’d not touch me or seem interested in my pleasure and his ego was so bruised he started crying and screaming saying it wasn’t something anyone usually asked and that he’d never made a woman cum and never really tried, and in his opinion he was good at fucking. This man had slept with 25 women before me…

  18. I have witnessed this in a few different guys when in a 3some or 4some. Saw the one dude watching himself in the mirror and making different faces to see what looked cooler lol . 😆 I think it has to do qith ego and not attempting to understand sensuality or passion

  19. My wife told my if you’re not gonna smash me like it’s end if the world then I don’t want it.

  20. A man should know to start slow and build up the tempo and rhythm. Make her feel and enjoy every inch. Especially if he’s well-endowed. You’ve gotta build up to the “railing” portion of a fuck session.

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