What’s something you wish you told someone but for whatever reason never got the chance to?

  1. I wish I told my great-grandmother that I love her. Sady she passed away two days before I wen to visit her. I still feel really bad about this. I feel like I never expressed my love towards her.

  2. Just effectively communicating how much I loved and liked and cared about them. Sadly even if I had the words it’s not necessarily something they’d want to hear.

  3. I wish I told my uncle what my plans were for the rest of the day…

    My uncle was one of the coolest people I knew. He was a marine, loved playing WOW, War Hammer, and Magic the Gathering. On top of that LOVED Star Wars(empire) and Lord of the Rings on top of many other great Sci-Fi’s. He was also a very active person, a true livin like Larry kind of man. Which is why everyone in the family was so stunned to find out he was diagnosed with ALS.

    By 2016 he looked to have weighed about 90lb, was fully bed ridden and communicating through a computer screen(with his eyes? I believe). He decided he was finally ready to go in December(still 2016).

    I hadn’t seen him in months due to distance, work, and overall life interfering. But when I got the call from my mom(his sister) that he was tired and ready for the long sleep, I dropped everything and drove over. We all were able to have a moment alone with him. When it was my turn I admit I was completely in shock. I’d never seen anything like his condition in person and I tried not to cry. He looked to be asleep until he opened his eyes. He was nonverbal by then. So he was straining his head. But he motioned chin up to the screen positioned above him.

    “So what are our plans for the day? :)”

    I didn’t understand it was a sentence he wrote TO me. I didn’t know tech like that existed before ALS affected my loved one. I mumbled but didn’t know how to respond. Then he made a strong wince of pain and alarms went off. My aunt came rushing in. “I’m sorry sweetheart but he needs to rest now”. I left his room, spent some time with family.

    That was the last time I saw my uncle alive..

    Well uncle… I watched the LOTR trilogy back to back, EXTENDED cause no other way is acceptable! I (tried lol) watched all the star wars even though it was hard after Empire strikes back! I ate all the gross healthy food you love during and downed vitamin waters during it all!
    I love you forever! FXCK ALS!!!

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