My ex emailed me yesterday saying he kinda misses me and realizes the good thing we had.

The reason our relationship ended was because I caught him cheating and he tried to deny it amd make me question what I saw…didn’t work I ended it the day I found out.

It’s been 3 months since and over a month since we last spoke and he emailed me this out of the blue.

Is he thinking I’d want to get back with him?

  1. He realized he screwed up and you were the best thing for him. Ex’s tend to always come back especially when they realize it isn’t easy for them. Or they can’t find the same vibe they had before.

  2. ehh I personally will never understand why exs come back especially after THEY break up with you. ik people say oh “he misses you and maybe he screwed up” but i think its bs. the most logical reason is because he is lonely and people dont know how to heal on their own, they often go back to what is comfortable or convenient for them.

  3. He might be missing you, but he might also just want to not be alone, in a dry spell etc etc.

    Never worth it

  4. I mean they hurt us right so technically we can have the power. Go with what you are feeling or want.

  5. Well this is easy he obviously didn’t want to break up. He did wrong sure but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with you. Now at that point if you get with him that’s all you, but I wouldn’t personally.

  6. Yeah, he’s absolutely trying to get back with you. You won’t ever be able to trust him again though. I wouldn’t even respond. F’that dude.

  7. They’re desperate, need attention, know it will illicit this kind of response or they want to bang… Or all of the above.

  8. Block him everywhere, some toxic people just know how to make you miserable again as soon as you find happiness. If he ever try to contact you again, just block him and forget his whole existence.

  9. He thought he could fuck around after you split. Found out it t wasnt that easy. And now hé has an itch he wants you to scratch.

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