My mom has recently developed this weird trait of laughing constantly throughout her sentences followed by a long fake laugh at the end of each sentence. It seems like some sort of nervous trait but we are just talking about everyday things and it’s very annoying. I don’t really understand why someone would acquire a trait like that randomly in their 50’s. I have known other people that do this too and it makes it very hard to listen to them talk.

  1. It could be a sign of premature dementia. How is her memory?

    Not saying it’s that (I’m not a doctor!) but just something to watch out for, because as you pointed out that’s VERY unusual.

  2. There’s a podcast I stopped listening to because the host does this, even when she’s asking a serious question she will do it. The podcast is about chronic illness which I know is not all supposed to be depressing but her laughter seems inappropriate and out of place. It makes me uncomfortable. I remember a friend from my high school would do this, she would say a story and the way she laughed you imagined a funny twist but nope.. just her nervous tick of laughing through her sentences.

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