Summarizing it,Láadan is an artificial language created with the mentality of the XX chromosome.

  1. While I do believe that language affects how we think of sex and gender, and is very important as such, I don’t particularly like artificial languages as a concept.

  2. >created with the mentality of the XX chromosome.

    I think a language created based on gracelessly generalizing people’s experience and mentality based on their chromosomes is poorly conceived and not representative of a majority of those people.

    Constructed languages offer a fascinating view into the creators’ minds and concepts, but i don’t consider something like this representative of an entire gender’s “mentality” at all. Gendered differences in language and language use are incredibly interesting and are valid research topics, but I’m not a fan of this particular method of approaching these topics.

  3. It sounds like a load of bullshit built on a false basis, to be honest.

    The XX chromosome pair doesn’t have a „mentality“

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