I had my first day at a new college today. I’m pursuing a Master’s degree right now.

I had a terrible undergrad college experience – few toxic and condescending friends, zero social life and an emotionally abusive relationship. I also suffer from certain mental health issues that make it extremely difficult for me to open up around new people or make new friends. 🙁

I’m in a completely alien new city, with no family or friends close by. I feel cut off from everyone, and thought of going to class tomorrow (my second day) is giving me a tummy ache!

To make things worse, I’ve joined classes two weeks late, and I’ve missed out on a chunk of social bonding. People have already formed little groups and I really don’t know whether I’ll fit in anywhere.

Any advice would be appreciated! I really need to make my Master’s experience count.

  1. Wow your situation is pretty fucked honestly. My only real advice is to join any clubs or programs or just go to any social event that’s happening on your campus

  2. Ok, I’ve got some good news. Just about everyone in grad school is looking to make grad school friends and almost everyone is more mature than undergrad. Try to talk to your classmates before class and after. If there are grad orgs, get involved. If your school hosts a happy hour or grad events go. It’s going to be hard at first, but everyone is in the same position!

  3. Just don t let see anxiety and worry on ur face. It mostly makes u seem underconfident and it will ruin chances of u came across someone

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