Ok, on the surface, our relationship (2 years) has been good. We’re super close, never really fight, I mostly live at her place (since it’s actually better), &. We’re college seniors for context. However, If I am in the wrong, please let me know. I want to do better (my bad if this sounds like a rant more than advice-seeking).


1. My GF says she feels like I don’t give her enough attention /not romantic enough even though I ask her what she wants to do today, what her friends are up to, what she wants to eat, I take her out everywhere, ask her how she is emotionally/mentally, shop together, watch movies, try new things, flirt with her, etc. To be honest, I can’t necessarily revolve my entire social life/thoughts on just her needs 24/7. I know it sounds bad, but I have to put effort into myself/guy friends/campus life at times. This morning I was studying for the LSAT (which is in a few weeks) & she got upset that I wasn’t giving her attention at the time. Now I’ll admit I do need to be more romantic (gifts, cooking for her, going on dates, etc), I just never had the time (in my life in general) to focus on my own development (hobbies, appearance, future, friends, etc.) & I often self-criticise myself for being behind in life & it seems like If I put attention towards anything else that isn’t her, then I’m a bad bf. Even dumber, she can’t sleep by herself at night, so I have to reconsider any plans I would have whether it’s hitting the gym late at night or hanging with my bros instead of sleeping in with her. Also, she complains that we don’t cook together, but If I’m hungry I’m gonna eat breakfast/dinner when I want (whether she’s at work or not). Period.
2. I think it’s ridiculous that my GF wants me to be her mind-reader when communicating her wants as If I don’t have hundreds of other thoughts/concerns going on in my own head (i.e she got mad that I didn’t record her performance even though she never asked me to, she got mad that I went to the movies with my buddy without inviting her, & she got mad at the fact that I simply can’t get into Bollywood movies since I’m a hispanic American & she’s a student from South Asia). It’s quite suffocating because I fee like she should be self-reliant enough to just do her own thing without me needed to always chip in every time. Doing something like, “Oh hey, I got that done no worries babe,” would be great. I do help her every time she needs it, but my God whenever I’m dealing with something personally stressful/difficult it’s like she thinks I’m upset at her. I’m not because I don’t revolve everything I do around her. She wants to get married & I do too, but…….she needs to improve a bit and she doesn’t realise that most American’s don’t usually married this young (early 20’s). Sigh…but she’s hot, smart (book smart at least), & good influence (outside of her issues) on me as a person & I don’t regret ever meeting her.

Reddit, I’d appreciate some advice guys, it’s been a challenge but I really do wanna make things work out & I’ll be open to questions you guys have 🙂

TL:DR: GF complains I don’t give her enough attention & doesn’t realise that I have my own personal life/needs. Trying to make the relationship better.

  1. Ugh, Bollywood.. I’m so sorry lol

    Honestly, that sounds kind of miserable.

    I’d say take some initiative in planning some dates to make sure you’re being intimate and making her feel respected, but it sounds like she needs more of a life outside of you and is too emotionally dependent on you, especially given your current workload.

  2. Your gf is a lot. You don’t have to do fuck all that you don’t want to do, so don’t let her guilt trip you into it just so she can show it off to her friends on insta. Fuck all that

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