How do you spend your days off work?

  1. depends what needs to be done. this weekend i’ll start raking some leaves and cleaning up the yard. probably laundry. clean out the basement so the repair guys have room to work next week. other weekends when nothing’s going on i’ll just watch something and knit or read. maybe go for a walk or something.

  2. Trying new recipes, organizing the refrigerator, gaming, hiking, loving on gf, reading, catching up on Asian dramas, dance class.

  3. Frantically playing catchup on all the things that didn’t get done because i was working – exercise, laundry, bills, errands, meal prepping.

  4. It really depends on my mood, sometimes I feel productive so I do house chores like laundry, while other times I just feel so exhausted I just sleep most of the entire day

  5. I go swimming, visit my best friend, take my toddler to playgrounds/arcades.

    And if i have long hours to spare I’ll play some video games

  6. Housework, laundry, gaming, endlessly scrolling my phone because I’m too tired to do anything else

  7. I’m married and childfree – so home projects/reorganizing/cleaning, which are oddly fun activities for me. So satisfying. I’ll work on the yard, or tinker in the garage. Get to some obscure project (painting baseboards or whatever). Sometimes the gym or shopping. Or a Netflix binge. Making a fun dinner. Whatever suits my mood for the day!

  8. My ideal way is one day set aside for any kind of outings or events, and another day at home cleaning up and spending time on hobbies, and sleeping in.

    If I have one busy weekend out, I try to spend the next closer to home doing the least possible to balance it out.

  9. I study for my masters, soon it will be study for masters and juggle life with a newborn

  10. At home days: housework, gym, reading, watch something with SO, spend time with pets, baths

    Going out somewhere: camping, hiking, dinner out and maybe a movie, swimming in nature, coastal walk with a friend, visit family. My ultimate weekend would be a camping/4wd trip with a hike and birdwatching included

  11. Depends what I need to do, and who is around. Often I’ll start off with a quick clean of the house, then drop some parcels off for my deployed husband, then the rest of the weekend is my own. I’ll often go for a walk around town, stop for a coffee, read a book or maybe meet up with a friend. I like wandering around museums. On Sundays I always go to church.

    Other times I have family members staying over, so I do things with them.

    When my husband is home, the weekend can be a bit more exciting. We go hiking together quite often, and sometimes go out for a meal or a drink together. Sundays are for church and relaxing.

  12. I stay in my pj’s, cook/eat, clean, watch shows/movies, play games if I feel like it, and read.

  13. Little bit of house work. Maybe play the sims. Maybe head out to meet friends. Maybe just stay in bed

  14. Saturday is chores day. Food shopping, cleaning, laundry, yardwork, meal prep. I go to one fitness class in the morning and the rest of the day is “work”.

    Sunday I’ll spend time with the kids, usually take them on a walk to the park and go to the library are staples. Also visiting my friends farm. In the afternoon they’ll have a playdate and I’ll drink wine.

  15. Saturday i sleep in and watch some tv, depending on if i have plans i’ll maybe get dinner with my mom or my boyfriend if he’s off work. Usually i’ll game, maybe cook and spend time with my boyfriend which is usually us gaming together with our friends or watching a show or movie. Sunday i sleep in and almost always stay home and lounge and will usually clean and do laundry and cook and game some more with my boyfriend.

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