What’s the Most Ridiculous & unusual Sandwich you ever made at home ?

  1. I once made a sandwich with Nutella, bananas, and bacon. It was delicious, but definitely unusual!

  2. I don’t think it’s that ridiculous, but I’ve been called crazy for putting raisins and shredded coconut on a PB&J

  3. French Toast – Nutella – Marmalade- Banana sliced – dot of Peanutbutter – Nutella – French Toast.

    The French toast itself was made out of Toast, Milk, Vanillasugar, salt , drop of honey and a little bit of cinnamon.

    That was my way to show off my cooking skills .. !

  4. I made a bun-sized cheddar bay biscuit (added chopped up bacon in the biscuit mix), breaded a pickle-brined boneless chicken breast in cheez-its, deep fried it, added some scrambled eggs & cheese and voila: time to get my cholesterol checked.

    So good. 10/10 would never do it again.

  5. I didn’t make it or eat it, but years ago when me and a buddy were stoned as fuck and broke he made a Condiment Sandwich, which was basically every single condiment in the fridge on bread. Grossest thing I have ever seen anyone eat that wasn’t like rotten or dirty.

  6. Made a peanut butter, jelly, nutella, and banana sandwich on this cinnamon bread I occasionally purchase from a local bakery. Hit that sweet spot.

  7. Bread.

    Fried Bread.






    Fried bread



    Enjoy your heart attack


    Also wafer thin deli ham and salt and vinegar chipsticks.

  8. I once made a mustard and butter sandwich. It was better than I thought. Long story involving a brother and a challenge…

  9. Peanut butter, tuna, kimchi on toasted bread.

    I first heard it in a similar thread who just used hot sauce instead of the kimchi. At first I was WTF then thought it sounded interesting.

    Made it a few times since.

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