His family constantly talks in Persian and even if they speak the language I understand, they still will talk half like they will talk in the language I understand but will still add in some Persian words and because of that I don’t understand anything.

I just look like the odd one out. Most of the time idk what they’re saying and I barely talk cuz of that. It is sooooo awkward. Before i thought I have no social skills but today as I was listening to them I didn’t understand again any of the topics. Maybe half of it. I can’t come up with a good response if I’m lost.

What am I supposed to do? They just think I’m shy but they kind of don’t respect me and constantly talk in the language I don’t understand. I just look so awkward smiling and nodding the whole time😭

The question is am I making excuses or is this actually a problem I’m just stuck with?..

  1. Talk to your boyfriend about it. He should be the one remembering the most to include you – e.g. “oh, auntie xx is saying how she loves that tv show, you like it too don’t you” or “xyz in Persian means abc in English”.

    Try not to internalise it as they don’t respect you. They’re multilingual and I’m assuming Persian is their first language so it’s just natural that that’s the language they’d use most of the time without even thinking about it. I genuinely doubt it has anything at all to do with you. People speaking their own native language is not disrespecting you.

    If you like this guy, ask him to teach you a few words.

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