I (23F) swear I have the highest sex drive of anyone I’ve ever known and it drives me literally insane some days. I swear masturbating only does so much and I still end up annoyingly horny like 5 minutes later. It’s just absolutely absurd to me too because I’ve never even HAD sex before, so why do I have to be cursed with such a wild sex drive? I am more perturbed than anything else that I’ve made it this far in life still a virgin, but I’m just a little bit anxious about the whole process of actually having sex – plus it seems like any guy that i’ve been reasonably close to having sex with has been too concerned about the instant gratification of it all and so much to the point that one guy ditched me when I asked if we could go slow so I wouldn’t get overwhelmed by a NEW unknown situation.
I wouldn’t mind losing my virginity to a hookup, but I just don’t know how to make sure that I find a guy who will be okay with going slow and teaching me, because it seems like the issue in the past is that the last two guys didn’t want to have to teach me “everything”.

So basically I guess my two questions are:

1) – Does anyone know how to diminish a seemingly severely high sex drive?


2) – Does anyone have a decent method for finding good hookups? (basically some way for me to find a somewhat decent guy who is willing to go slow and teach me)

sorry for the long rant, Thank in advance

  1. It wasn’t a long rant actually. It clearly shows you haven’t read the long ones here. Lol.

    To answer your questions
    1. Have sex and it will **tame down your drive

    2. If you’re looking for a hookup, you got loads of apps or post here on Reddit. You will have the option of asking for a face pic based on the dick. No kidding you’ll get a load of dick pics. Lol

    If you’re looking for a long term relationship, ask your friends or family to hook you up with someone who’s kinda sane and safe.

    Age of 23 is kinda a prime age of sexual exploration. Don’t worry much!

  2. There are a lot of hookup apps with decent people on, but it can take time to actually find someone that you feel safe with. Only way to diminish drive is to do the thing

    Also, what did root beer ever do to you fam wtf

  3. Find out how to have better orgasms first?
    They can be so much better.
    Try producing different fluids.
    Sometimes wet
    Sometimes creamy
    Sometimes squirting
    Do you prefer internal or external simulation?
    Are you missing sharing energy with someone?
    Are you straight?
    All questions to ask yourself.

    I used to have tons of meaningless unsatisfying sex just to feel close to someone.
    Turns out I’m gay and crave hands, energy exchange, and to boys.
    Hands can get you more full than anything else, fwiw.
    I can recommend links but this was all food for thought.
    Good luck in your journey.

  4. You aren’t the only one I’d masturbate for like 8+ time’s a day nd I’d still be horny at nd I’ve never had sex before

  5. Hey there, I do not have any advice but I think before just having sex you should wait and find someone you love and then take things further, cuz it feels much better when it’s with someone you love and someone who loves you back, and none of that instant gratification stuff happens either

  6. I’m you but Male version and a 26 year old virgin. Who would you have in mind that you’d want to have your first time with? Women can get anybody to have sex with but I assume that they wouldn’t want just anybody. For me being a guy and still a virgin, at this point idgaf what she looks like. I’d actually rather prefer a hook up too because I just don’t care for a relationship at all.

  7. It makes sense that you crave it so badly. It’s normal. The first time may suck if you have it really built up in your head or it may be everything you dreamed it would be. Which experience you have will depend on the guy. It’s worth waiting for the right person who will go slow and take their time to help you feel good. A lot of girls tend to find the bold and dominate guys because they are the ones that are more forward typically on apps as well as dating sites. But Look for the quiet nice guys-because although you may need to be more forward and initiate things with them they won’t be so demanding or selfish for your first time.

  8. Personal when I ran I to this issue I would FaceTime someone and have us play with our selfs till we reached climax and helped for awhile as well getting a toy would
    Help a lot !

  9. It’s just about finding someone who is willing to put in the time I guess, I’m my younger years I used to think “I only want experienced girls” but now, I’d be much happier working with someone slowly through appreciating all the aspects of sex. Sex is amazing as I think people with a lot of experience forget that and just goes for a quick fuck. Drop me a message if you have any questions, im sure you’ll be fine though 🙂 x

  10. Sounds like something that will turn into a great and pleasurable problem when you connect with the right person that gets pleasure from trying to match your appetite for orgasms!
    In my opinion it’s a good thing and a part of your sexuality maturing. Use that high sex drive to your advantage 😛

  11. Find someone you like in some forum that have similar interests ( that isn’t sex) then see if you can find a fuck buddy there. It’s OK. Many people do this.
    That is unless you’re going for a boyfriend directly ofcourse.

  12. You’re asking a guy to go slow because you’re a virgin and because you want a teacher. Why not pick a guy you like and just have a sexy conversation sans the teacher. “I like sex slow. I like to control the speed, are you cool with that?”

    But go with your gut. If the guy seems dismissive, he’s a bad lay. In my experience, most guys who are into you and really discuss what you want, want to do that or they don’t and they’ll be really upfront about it.

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