I’m (24F) and my husband is (21M) and he’s in the marines. He has extremely poor spending habits and has childish behavior alongside with that. This has caused me to view him as less than a man and even question divorce. I’m older than him clearly and was well established before I met him. I had 10k saved up, had a paid off car, a well paying job but lives with my parents. When we got married he couldn’t afford so much as a down payment on an apartment so I payed for it. Also helped him pay of his car and pay down some of his credit cards. I thought if we had a fresh start using my savings, it would fix everything but after I did all of that, he doubled down on the poor spending habits. He got a gym membership, took out several loans and even bought a 70 inch tv that he’s paying on a year later. Not to mention I’m 38 weeks pregnant. Currently back at my moms place because our arguments started to get physical. What should I do. Would love to fix the marriage and finances but can’t help but feel like I could have done better. Also the love has faded mostly.

  1. Get over that nonsense! You deserve so much better plus you don’t need anything from him anyway. Things will just get worse once you gave birth. Just let him do all his childish stuffs ALONE!

  2. The financial stuff can be fixed ONLY if he wants. The physical stuff, it’s time to get out of that situation

  3. Don’t double down on a bad decision. He was too young to get married and he was too young to be a father. I don’t know why you rushed into this, I live in a military town so I know it’s common, but it’s usually a recipe for disaster.

    You need to stay with your mom indefinitely. You and he should both take advantage of military counseling services. If he becomes violent again, you need to report him.

    Then you need to separate your money. You have a child to think about so you need to make sure you can cover that.

    You can’t fix him, but you can stop enabling him. And you need to figure out why you made these choices so you can do better for your baby

  4. > He has extremely poor spending habits and has childish behavior alongside with that.

    You already said he’s in the marines.

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