I’m M16 My family never really taught me about relationships and friendships. They want me to prioritize school and never want to tell me how to have relationships so I don’t know how to make friends or start relationships with people. I feel lonely. I don’t want to live like this. please I need advice.

  1. Well first, you should calm down, you’re very young yet, second, if you want to make friends first step is talking to people, just exposing yourself, if you’re afraid of doing it the more times you do it the less scared you are. Making friends it’s, sort of, easy if you know how. What comes to women, just talk to them, ask them about their interest and let her talk about herself, talk based on her answers and that way you demonstrate you’re listening.

    DM me anytime of you need help.

  2. Mate… Plenty of us IS over 30… 40… And we have no idea. As a pessimist with social anxaiety and overal hatred to people i think like. “oho… I love her so much i want to spend rest of my life with her even if she gonna be sick and i will need to take care of her”.
    You would feel mi turę of chemical and psychical reactions in your body near your crush but you have to be awere most of them will gone in matter of time

  3. You shouldn’t be jumping into a serious committed relationship at your age. Drink your milk and concentrate on your studies so you get to a good college. That should be your priority.

  4. You need to find a girl you like. But it’s shouldn’t become the goal and your only thought. Just live life and once you find a girl that attracts you start dating. And trust me you learn how to be in relationships by being in one. Not from your parents. I’m 33 and still learning

  5. Try meeting people at places you’re interested in (like if there’s a club at school). Coffee shops, malls, crystal stores, thrift shops, roller skating parks, parks in general, etc. Depends where your interests lie. Also, the more people you know, the more connections you’ll have, so if your friends (even if you only have a few) have friends, maybe try all getting together and meeting new people through them.

    But also, don’t go there with only a potential partner being on your mind. Relax, enjoy the scenery, and/or bring a few mates.

  6. Try thinking the same thing and in turn hanging out with all kinds of different people and becoming bi. Now it’s hard to hangout with straight people without them thinkin you’re gonna bone them when they ain’t lookin!🖕🏻. Yes where I’m from people think that gay and bisexual guys will fuck anything that walks. No thanks.

  7. well relationships come and go, but you can usually make friends with the people you see regularly. people you sit next to in classes would be easier than just approaching randoms

  8. My dad or brother didn’t talk about how to get a gf. I’m 29 and I’m still learning about relationships and friendships. When I’ll be a dad I’d be so happy share my experience to my son/daughter. Cause my parents never did.
    But being 29 I learned to not be afraid of intimacy, be truthful, open and friendly, know your worth and unfortunately relationships both romantic and platonic are come and go. That’s the hard reality.

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