There’s a girl I sit next to in one of my classes that I think is kinda cute and I wanna start talking to her but I’m not good at talking to girls. My friends say that I’m pretty awkward so I just wanna try to see what I can do to not seem entirely weird. (High school)

  1. Just walk up and say hello. Nothing planned. If you over think it orc reherse, you will seem weird / creepy.

    If she likes you, she will help the conversation. If she doesn’t like you it will awkward and embarrassing but also complete and you can learn from it a d move on

  2. She is going to think you’re weird or not almost regardless of what you say. So just say hi and start a conversation.

  3. Start with something legitimate – something about the class perhaps? Compliment her or something about her, and try to keep it going. Even if it doesn’t, the ice is broke and it makes it easier for next time.

  4. you might try r/teenagers or a similar sub. we old dudes don’t know how young folks roll these days. you don’t want advice from people who gained their experience in the 90s haha

    “take her out to TCBY!”

    “take her to the arcade!”

    “get her a tape at Circuit City!!”

    see what i mean, don’t listen to us, we’re old dinosaurs

  5. “Hi how’s it going?”

    There’s no such thing as ‘being good at talking to girls.’ There’s talking to girls. Your results mostly depend on how good you look when doing it.

  6. How did you get to be friends with your friends? You started talking about one thing or another, right? Well, it’s the same principle. Don’t label yourself as awkward and self sabotage. Everyone is awkward in their own way.

  7. With words buddy. Just smile at her first time. Then next time add a “hi”, then next time, “you alright?” Then next time conversation. Do it slowly but with positive interactions.

  8. 1) If you act like it’s normal, it is normal.

    2) if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.

    3) find out where she comes in a regular basis in school and “coincidentally” see her more often. Ask her about the classes if it was a fun, stuff like that. You don’t need to ask her out immediately or stuff like that.

    4) practice makes perfect. Why don’t you try to JUST TALK with other girls from your class? You’ll get more comfortable with it.

    Take advise from a 31 year old guy who wishes he had known this when in high school. 🙂

  9. Everyone is awkward in high school.

    My advice is be yourself. It’s not like you can hide your weirdness from her forever, should you be able to act “normal” on a few dates. And the sooner you learn to accept, love and be comfortable with yourself, the better your confident will be.

    At least that’s what I’ve gathered about life and women at 34 years of age. Find someone who like you for who you are rather than who you could be.
    And women like confidence.

    I know it sounds like platitudes from the self-help section though.

  10. Just talk to her even if you’re weird.

    It’s a process.

    To get good at basketball you must play and practice.

    Your asking how can I get in the nba without failing and on my first try.

  11. Ask her something. It could be fashion, or heck even where a specific brand of chips are at the grocery store. For a school specific case, ask her about an assignment or something you think she might like. Then you have a brief convo and ask her out. If she says no, be cool, smile and tell her you had to shoot your shot, and walk away. Never be that desperate guy. You will never. NEVER get digits that way.

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