I’m reading everywhere that an ideal room temperature is between 19-20 Celsius for a newborn baby. But, since today it’s pretty cold, at 20 degrees Celsius, my hands and frets are already frozen and I’m wearing 4 layers of clothes.

How can this be an ideal room temperature? What temperature do tou have for your baby’s room?

Edit: 20 degree Celsius. Thermometers are working fine. Now I’m worried about health issues! Thanks

  1. Are you originally from a hot countries and so heat adapted?

    If not maybe see your GP. Twenty C is shorts weather still.

  2. You have severe circulation problems, let’s put it this way. You shouldn’t be cold at 20 degrees, that’s where summer starts if it’s sunny.

  3. 20-24C is considered the ideal temperature for humans to wear a short sleeved shirt, it’s what NASA uses in Space. Are you sure your thermometer isn’t set to Fahrenheit?!

  4. You need to get your circulation checked out if your hands and feet are that cold. You might have hypothyroidism if you’re wearing four layers of clothing at this temperature. The lullaby trust advises room temp of between 16-20 degrees for baby’s room to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Babies cannot thermoregulate very well at the beginning and can’t really sweat so overheating can cause babies to become very unwell and die

  5. It may be worth mentioning to your GP that you have a concern about poor circulation, as you are getting cold hands and feet in fairly warm weather, which isn’t really normal to be honest.

  6. You either have a medical condition or a faulty thermometer.

    20°c is a perfectly acceptable temperature. Not exactly shorts and T-shirt, but not one you should feel cold at.

  7. 20 is only cold if you live in a country where the summers are 30 and up.

    Personality, I don’t sleep well in any temperature over 18 degrees.

  8. 20C is not cold, either your thermometer/thermostat isn’t working properly or you have a circulation issue. Personally I’d say 20C is actually on the warmer side for a room temperature, during the winter we will quite happily leave the thermostat on 16C and be fine.

  9. If I sit at my desk working and not moving around then I will start to feel chilly at 20C, maybe enough to put a hoody on. But four layers indicates a health issue unless you are at 20F.

  10. Most offices are kept at 20-21C, and that’s warm enough to work in shirtsleeves. If your hands are cold get yourself checked to Raynaud’s syndrome.

  11. Currently the baby’s room is 20 and she’s in a vest, sleepsuit and sleeping bag… think the recommendation is only for sleepsuit and sleeping bag at that temp but she’s always felt the cold (we wonder if it’s because she went straight into an incubator for health issues but have no idea of that’s scientifically sound).

    I feel the cold, have raynauds and like to be snug, so at 20 I’m in tshirt and hoodie but 4 layers sounds extreme even to me!

  12. How are you telling the temperature? If it’s from setting a thermostat on the wall then understand those numbers are just for reference and should not be used as a measurement.

  13. I know a trick to help reduce your circulation problems. This will sound ridiculous, but trust me, it’s legit. Inhale, exhale, do not inhale again until you get the urge to breathe. Do this a few times. This will cause your body to release more nitric oxide into your bloodstream, this is a vasodilator, circulation will improve within minutes.

  14. Where are you getting the temperature from? If it’s the external or general temperature, then your home might be colder. It’s unlikely it’s so cold that it’s the weather where people usually need to wear four layers of clothing. but you need to know the indoor temp, not the outdoor.

    My fingertips and feet are often very cold to the touch. My palms are slightly cold. My core temperature is generally slightly higher than average. But that’s the way it’s always been for me. It’s not a sign of something worrying if your hands and feet are a bit cold and always have been, and you still have full usage of them, and basically have no problems. Also you will be better at rolling dough!

  15. You need to speak to a doctor ASAP.

    You have circulation issues as there is no way you should feel cold at 20c.

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