What is something a friend does that annoys you a lot but you just accept it as a part of them?

  1. Exaggerate stories to make her sound a little better but it’s never too crazy so I just let her have her moment.

  2. She texts sentences and phrases instead of paragraphs. I can tell it’s her by the number of consecutive alerts that I receive

  3. Can sound a little fluffy through text but when we are in person she’s very genuine. Which is why I don’t really like texting because it’s hard to read tone lol

  4. Dumps all this info onto me when she’s had a fight with her bf. I question it and turns out it’s not half as bad as she’s making it out to sound. I ended up getting real sick of it and bounced.

  5. Flakes out a lot. She doesn’t often message first, and she’s really bad at making/committing to plans, then sticking to plans. We’ve been friends for over a decade, and she’s always been like this. She recently got assessed for and diagnosed with ADHD, which explains a lot.

    It still hurts that we don’t get to hang out as often as we plan to, but I know she’ll be there if I really need her.

  6. I love this girl to death but I’ve learned to accept that she’ll never grow up. We’ve known each other since we were 21 and everyone in our group of friends has grown up, matured, and achieved amazing things but she’s stayed the same.

  7. Claims to have CPTSD from parental abuse/neglect. We’ve been friends since we were in kindergarten, and our moms became best friends as well. I know her parents extremely well, I have spent large swaths of time with them over a period of more than a decade and a half. Her parents are the nicest people I know. I have a great relationship with my mom and I still wished her mom was my mom sometimes growing up. Her parents have an extraordinarily healthy relationship and are still in love after 25 years of marriage, they’re genuinely inspiring. Her parents gave her anything and everything she could want. If her parents are secretly the kind of people who scream at and emotionally abuse and neglect their kids…they’re the best actors I’ve ever met, who can keep the act up for weeks at a time. Despite telling eachother everything our entire lives, she only started claiming to have any problems with her parents whatsoever once we were in college and she didn’t even live with them anymore. Honestly she’s more cruel to her mother than her mother ever was to her. I think she just really wants something to complain about and feel special for and be coddled for. I think it’s uncomfortable for her to accept that she’s never had any real hardships since almost everyone around her has had real, deep issues. The people around her – very much including me – have been through some serious shit. I have been through a number of things that people try to tell me I have trauma about and I want nothing to do with that idea, I despise pity or victimhood. She desperately longs for people to feel bad for her yet has nothing for them to *really* feel bad about, so she’s decided to pick out something that people can’t really call her out for lying about. I don’t even call her out at all, I just think its sad. Lets just say… recently she said they’re so terribly neglectful because they forgot to pay her tuition until a day late – pay her entire tuition – a day late. My family openly dislikes me, purposely excludes me, and nearly disowned me pre birth when they found out I was going to be mixed race, but sure, your parents who pay your entire college tuition *and your rent* are the worst people alive.

  8. Complains about work, constantly. He’s nearly 30 and has spent most of his life being supported financially by family. He has never been independent, due in part to being bipolar and a host of other issues, paired with the fact that he’s just plain lazy.

    He’s working part time right now and complains about normal, every day work stuff constantly. Just having to get up and go to work, being called in, customers being assholes, etc. Just shit pretty much every working person has to deal with every single day. Like…just let it go. Leave work at work.

  9. She craves male attention, even when in a relationship, and goes out of her way to get it.

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