My ex literally did not believe me when I told him girls have 3 holes down there. We were in our 20s, diagrams were used.

  1. Sexual pleasure during penetration is contingent on a woman having sufficient internal clitoral structure so that the root of her clitoris grows towards the anterior wall of her vagina. Women who claim to feel nothing during penetration are literally admitting to having small clit energy.

    This is a commonly known fact among the sexology community but they don’t talk about it more for fear of women lacking this structure feeling less-than or inferior.

  2. I think I understand woman’s bodies Better than my own male body. It never made sense to me how men know ZERO about womens bodies… how are you suppose to pleasure a woman and make sure you support her if she get pregnant or even understand how you were made… gotta learn how woman’s bodies work it’s essential! Plus y’all have multiple erogenous zones… men should probably figure them all out if they want to get the job done.

  3. Let’s get this question over with on a totally anonymous subreddit because I am still wondering to know … can you sleep half on your side half on your chest like in the “heavy lifter position”? Because I would think that your chest is in the way

  4. I’m pretty good with your body, but your mind fucks me up sometimes. You really used diagrams for that lesson?

  5. As a youngster I did used to believe the bit about breasts swelling slightly during arousal

    In retrospect… swell with what?

  6. That the clit is basically the head of the penis and the labia is the shaft. They just take a different shape as we grown in the womb.

  7. Hmmmm…is this a copy and paste question/post?

    Because I swear I’ve not only seen this question(in this subreddit) but word for word seen “My ex literally did not believe me when I told him girls have 3 holes down there.” in the description.

  8. Girls fart and their farts are stinky. When girls poop, their poop smells terrible.

    I was 15 years old at the time. My family and their friends were spending a week at a beach house. There was a women twice my age and a I had little crush on her. One day she walked out of a bathroom as I was passing by. As she walked out of the bathroom, I smelled a strong stench of poop. For the first time in my life I was disgusted by the smell. It was a day my crush for her died.

    It was 30 years ago, now days I don’t care as much. Everyone poops and farts.

  9. Ass hair. Or well the amount of hair some women have in their bodies. I don’t mind it. I just was surprised when I hit my thirties and the women I dated before either grew a lot less or had it taken care of more often. So I was a bit surprised by the amount some have.

  10. I have no questions. I paid attention in biology classes and very early, I educated myself on how a womans body work diferently from male body.

    This is what happens when one is not wilfuly ignorant and likes to read.

    It helps too, that I live in Europe.

  11. The smells of the vagina.

    Sometimes it’s fine and then something happens and all of a sudden it smells.

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