Did anybody here have used elevator shoes or considered using? what was your experience?

  1. Are those the things that make you seem taller? I know it’s cliche but if that’s the case, wearing those kinda shoes is just bound to make you more insecure. What do you do when you go to a nice girl’s/guy’s place for drinks and you have to take them off? They just scream that you’re insecure about your height.

  2. Between my work boots and some orthapedic inserts I have to address foot issues I am probably 2 inches taller than barefooted. So 5’6″ to 5’8″(maybe). But I dont notice a difference in how I am treated. To be fair I also don’t wear those boots out for social interactions so no clue how it would affect a date or how I am viewed in a club.

  3. Bro, don’t. There is no point in doing something that causes you to narrowly avoid who you are and don’t give someone something they can use against you. It’s all about energy. If you’re a 5’6 man whose truly about his own shit, then you’ll be amazed at what you can attract.

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