No joke, im 20, aromantic bisexual woman who never had sex. At this point i dont even know how to initiate it. I have a tinder profile but even there I dont know how it should go on. Should I Just invite random guy to my flat and after 5 minutes talk start having sex? Like I cant comprehend this as a normalna social situation. I took snap from one guy from tinder, should I send him softs or what??
I would like to be sexualy active cos I have my needs and masturbating and watching porn is not very entertaining for longer period of time.

Should I tell a person Im having sex with (oh important thing: i ve never made out with anyone also) that its my first time? I feel like that would be very awkward if i told it before even first contact but I think that my lack of experience would come out even at the “1st base”

So, reddit how should I start?

  1. I think there’s nothing awkward about telling the other person that it’s your first time. In fact I would suggest to do it.

    About your question how you should start, well it matters what you want. Are you just searching for an ONS? Are you looking for a fwb? Do you want to have a relationship?

    I would always meet a person in a public setting first and not invite them directly into your flat.

  2. Well I wouldn’t recommend a hookup for your first time especially if you’ve never done anything sexual with anyone. It’s like jumping in the deep end during your first swimming lesson.

    Sex happens naturally after you meet someone and you like eachother, you make out, you escalate to grinding or hands or oral, and so on. After you’ve mastered each step the next one comes very easily.

    So don’t rush it! Find someone you trust who will take their time.

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