i (20f) hooked up with a guy i met on tinder who goes to my university before going home for the summer. it was a little bit awkward due to my lack of experience at the time (he still seemed to really enjoy it and so did i) but we mentioned meeting again in the fall. i reached out to him again recently to hookup again as are were both back at uni and things went much better this time, i think partly because i was a lot more comfortable with him at this point. i noticed it was a lot more intense this time – there was more eye contact and overall chemistry, we had more conversation, he kissed me a lot more than before, etc. he seemed to be a pretty decent/respectful guy, always making sure to check in with me and seemed to care about my pleasure. we ended the night by making out and him telling me he “definitely wanted to see me again.” a week later i tried texting him “hey” to see what was up and eventually ask if he wanted to hookup that weekend but i never received a response. i’m a little bit confused as to why he wouldn’t even bother answering a simple text when he seemed so enthusiastic about it before. i don’t think the issue is that i’m too high maintenance because i made myself pretty available to him and was open to whatever he suggested. i know that he might have multiple options but i’m just confused about why he won’t even entertain the possibility of us meeting again. what would cause a guy to end casual sex so abruptly? i know it’s not because he got into a relationship because his tinder profile is still active.

  1. Bottom line he isn’t that interested anymore. Ghosting a “hey” is basically silent rejection. Maybe he met a different girl he likes more or just has so many options you don’t mean much to him. Add school and friends into the mix and he could just be overwhelmed with college life. I wouldn’t worry about it too much try to move on and have fun. There will be more guys

  2. What did you expect? That’s literally what a hookup is. If you want constant communication from the person then seek a relationship instead of a hookup.

  3. He could be talking to someone now or have a “full stable”.

    Hookup culture seems to be a more “wyd” in the moment of boredom of horniness though, to where your feelings don’t really matter.

    I think people expect to ignore and be ignored in this scene.

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