At what age did you start taking your finances seriously?

  1. I’m 22 and just now (after finishing uni) looking for a job. If all goes well I start next week. So 22 I guess?

  2. At 9 or 10. I was making money washing my siblings’ laundry and I wanted to keep track of how much I was making.

  3. I’m 35. I really started to button down and take money seriously around the age of 29. I wish I would have started much earlier. I feel like I would be so much further in life if I started saving earlier. Now I’m terrified for my future lol, but I’m sure I’ll be fine

  4. My parents taught me the 50/30/20 rule when I was 16 and began working my first real job. I didn’t get serious about it until about 22-23.

  5. I think I was around 24/25? I was financially independent from my family at that point and suddenly had to learn how to budget.

  6. About 10. Saving was always really important to me. Id always enjoyed seeing the money grow over most things I could buy.

  7. I’m 35 and I’m just starting now. I don’t have kids, and thought I had plenty of time to figure out money. When you get to 35 you start to see the reality of what working well after retirement would actually mean to you. I *do not* want to do that. I’m already in pain all the time from not taking care of myself for so many years, and I’m really starting to get over the bullshit that comes with working in *any* job, let alone healthcare.

    I really wish I would have thought about this stuff in my late teens/early 20s. I honestly partied away most of my best working years, and I wish I could go back in time to finish college and save ass loads of cash so I wouldn’t be so fucked over now

  8. Just now, at 30.

    What’s sad is my dad is a literal financial advisor and he didn’t teach me shit growing up lol

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