How would you react if you woke up next to your S/O, and the bed was wet form their urine?

  1. Is it a one-time thing? I’d probably wash the sheets and try to make my partner feel ok about it. I’m not sure I’d be able to sleep next to a chronic bed wetter though. They do make medication for it.

  2. Probably reassure them if it’s a one time thing. Can happen to anyone really.

    If it’s chronic, definitely put a pad under them (they make them but idk what they’re called. It’s made for putting in children’s bed so bed-wetting doesn’t ruin the mattress.)

    I’d react the same way i’d like to be reacted to if it was me in that situation.

  3. Unconventional answer but probably perform coitus then promptly strip the bed to wash everything

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