Just quickly baring in mind, I’ve had many great conversations with people. Times where we got on like a house on fire! Times where they actually said they’d like to see more of me. Or would even ask me if I’d like to go to some event together. But whenever that moment comes where I’d ask ‘the question’, maybe even ask them if they’d like to actually go out on an actual date, they’d still say no. So is that it then. Even when things are as best as they can be, am I just not anyones type?

  1. There are so many people out there, you’re bound to be someone’s type. That being said, there’s a reason certain types of people are attracted to others. Not saying to change who you are but think of me ways to branch out and grow as a person.

  2. I think they meant that you’re definitely someone’s type but you can’t be everyone’s type. And unfortunately humans are analytical by nature and categorize everything, including other humans. So just like you’re likely not attracted to everyone you meet (even if you get along with them) you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea in that regard. It’s hard for everyone to find someone that likes them for them while simultaneously being attracted to them (i.e. be their “type”). So you aren’t necessarily doing anything wrong, just gotta keep looking. It’s a long haul and you gotta take breaks every now and then to care for yourself so you can get back out there.

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