My prescription normally takes an hour to get ready, and I need to warn them beforehand cos I’m not waiting in a pharmacy for an hour lol, t1d things

  1. An hour? I order all my prescriptions online and usually have to wait days for them, which is why I order a week before I run out.

  2. 4?

    I’m not sure they get things ready if you announce you’re coming though, but can’t hurt to ask. Might depend on the pharmacy.

  3. Find a better pharmacy.

    There’s nothing inherently slow about them. Some just have lazy or incompetent staff.

  4. Mine sometimes just never answer. When I am in there I can see why, there is a constant queue and they are dealing with customers or getting the next one ready. I have resorted to going in and asking for them to prepare it, then popping to the shops for a bit.

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