I’m a complete and total virgin, never even kissed.

I do watch porn though, and for some reason I feel like I’d rather kiss a girl than have sex with her. Like yeah sex is great, but seeing kissing makes me so jealous. And for some reason licking a woman’s body sounds sounds so amazing to me. Also cuddling and hugging is something I badly want to do.

Is this just all in my head? Will my preferences change once I actually start doing the deed. Will it be nothing like I imagine. Or do I have a pretty good sense of what I like/want.

The reason I ask is because one day of course I will stop being a virgin. And on that day I want to know what to expect. Also just kinda looking for some approval that I’m not crazy for fantasizing about these things having never even done them. Or even really seen them in porn. (Kissing and licking porn is hard to find imo.)

  1. What you will enjoy is often more about your partner and how to work together. Sometimes what works with one partner is totally different than another. As you gain experience, you may well find that your tastes and preferences change.

  2. It doesn’t hurt you any to have an idea or two about what it is that you want.

    It most certainly doesn’t hurt you any to know that you have a fascination for naked women and want to caress and worship the girl who wants to be in your bed.

    Is that the only thing you are going to want? Impossible to say, so don’t force yourself into a corner there in your mind.

    But, well. Use your imagination and your thoughts to build yourself an idea of kind of what you think that you want.

    In reality, what you want and what she wants are going to have to be combined into what you BOTH want, and that can take some time. So you ARE going to try other things too, and some of them you are going to *absolutely freakin’ love*, because she loved them.

    Don’t be afraid of having fantasies and ideas. But don’t lock your mind on that that is the only thing you want, because that will probably not be true when the time comes.

  3. You can definitely have an idea of what turns you on and what doesn’t but don’t be disappointed if something you think you’re into, doesn’t turn out to be as great. Porn isn’t reality so they make things look different from what they’re actually like. Also, maybe things that don’t look good to you, could actually make you feel incredible? Only one way to find out. By having sex.

  4. yes you can, I did and with my partner it was easier to get started with us knowing what we wanted, but I guess not everyone works like that.

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