So I’m reading a very good book giving readers tips about vulnerability. The book is called – Platonic, by Marisa G. Franco. In light of vulnerability, Marisa writes we tend to carry a “faulty internal algorithm” about vulnerability that needs to be debugged – that is, if I share my pain, I will be shamed.

More tellingly, it’s completely okay to be vulnerable with other humans. But vulnerability becomes a problem when we overshare – why did I share x? And what do people need to know?

Vulnerability is expressed by the content of our words, and by our demeanor. Some interesting ideas that Marisa writes about how to practice vulnerability are – If your voice shakes, let it. And if something is scary for you to share, say so.

With these two ideas in mind, what are some other noteworthy ways to practice vulnerability with other humans?

  1. Start with something small and seemingly inconsequential to others which has been bothering you. They won’t think a terrible lot about it and you’ll have shared something that makes you vulnerable without having to ve *too* vulnerable.

  2. You could share anything weird/funny/embarrassing that just popped into your mind if it is somewhat entertaining. You can add “funny how brains work”. A friend of mine does it and I think it’s something truly genuine and also kind of brave and hilarious.

  3. Brene Browns Ted talk about vulnerability helped me so much! I’ve realized a lot of my social anxiety comes from not wanting to overshare or be shamed about certain trauma or triggers. I have very high walls due to the fact that the closest people to me have always hurt me the most. But trying to realize that’s just life sometimes and something I will need to work through in order to have meaningful authentic relationships.

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