I don’t think I’m seriously lacking in confidence or anything. But I’m always worried I might say or do something to make someone uncomfortable with me. To the point that Ive started beating myself up about it afterwards.

And like, it’s not even just a dating thing. I’ve started feeling this with women who are my close friends, & even in my family.

I totally get why women are protective of themselves with men, I don’t wanna come off like I’m blaming them for being difficult or something. But I also wish that I wasn’t so neurotic about it. I’ve just seen some really bad stuff happen to a friend of mine as well as an ex of mine, & i don’t want people to look at me & think that I might be anything like the guys who are capable of doing stuff like that. They were monsters, & ik I can’t really immediately prove it to someone who doesn’t know me, but I’m not a monster.

1 comment
  1. Fear is a reflex response to a confrontation with an unknown. Anger is the most energy-efficient way of making short-work of things that scare you.

    Absent a MH condition such as a neurosis or personality disorder….which is usually not the case….what you are experiencing is pretty typical of folks who are still needing to get more information about something. Most of this starts in childhood with the pranks little boys and girls can play on each other. Its part of the growing process. You may want to hit some venue like YOU TUBE and search for info on Women’s issues or on issues the you are intertested in but from a Womans’ perspective.

    I didn’t hear anything that suggests that you have urges to act-out aggressively or even physically so I think we are safe in just keeping this light. Let’s get you some insights into what motivates the females around you and what sort of goals and values they have compared to guys. FWIW.

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