Men of Reddit, what is the biggest lie we are told as boys?

  1. Not so much a lie, but very much incomplete. “Just do your thing and you’ll find love.” That’s great for extroverted people because their “thing” usually includes social hobbies and socialization *just for the sake of it*. Introverts need more explicit instructions. Work isn’t enough for many people to meet someone. You have to do your hobbies socially, and do so frequently. You have to go out of your way to make new friends and spend time with them.

  2. “If you get too many detentions and suspensions, no job will hire you.”

    “You should always strive for perfect attendance. It gets rewarded on the job.”

  3. “You need college to make money”
    Or its variant
    “Trades are dirty work”

    I went to law school, busted my ass in college, and got great grades.
    My cousin who is my age went to be a plumber straight out of high school.

    We make about the same amount of money now, 20 years out of high school. But one of us has a devastating amount of student debt, and the other owns a boat.

    My boys have been told in no uncertain terms that they should pursue something that will bring them satisfaction/joy first and money second. And that college is just one path among many.

  4. “20s is the best years of your life”…yeah, I’m basically at my 30s and the 20s was a piece of shit

  5. When you get to college, life will completely change for better.

    It didn’t. It was completely the opposite.

  6. If you work hard you’ll become successful.
    Later learned it’s work smart and be wise not work hard.
    Working hard only allows you to become a punching bag at jobs, especially blue collar jobs, and injuries and mental health will quickly decline.

  7. “Just do the next right thing and everything will work out.”

    “You’re incomplete without a family.”

    “It’s the thought that counts.”

    Could play this game for a long time.

  8. “Let the women come to you”

    Looking at old photos I think my dad was quite a bit more attractive than I ever was…maybe it worked for him?

  9. “You’ll figure it out”. I still have no idea what I’m doing and on the rare occasion I do figure something out, they change what it is and then I’m confused all over again.

  10. You can be anything

    Your hard work will pay off/ be recognized

    School-college-job is the only correct path to success

    Things always work out if you stay positive

    When the right woman comes along, everything will fall into place

    Once you become a man everything will make sense

    If you are not successful by X age you did something wrong in life

  11. “That ignoring bullies would make them go away. The bullies are jealous.”

    No they are not.

    If a kid bullies my kid, my kid has the full right to go and beat the shit of the other one.

  12. Do what you love and you’ll never work a single day in your life

    Bullshit, that’s how you go broke or learn to hate what you love.

  13. For me:

    > If you are good enough, you will be loved.

    That didn’t work with my father or my ex-wife.

    Sometimes I wonder if the reverse is true. I can’t test that theory, though, because I’m so friggin’ good. 😉

  14. Treat women like a queen and be her night and shining Armour, just forgot to mention that there needs to be mutual respect, and a good couple can get through the thick and thin, not being in a toxic relationship just because you’re meant for each other, being able to walk away and avoid losing sight of who u are. There needs to be a team effort and respect, love is not the most important thing and can blind you.

  15. Girls play hard to get sometimes. But don’t be daunted by it, you just have to keep trying and your perseverance will pay off.

    This my fellow men, is a load of bollocks. If a woman is playing hard to get with you, move onto the next woman. She either isn’t interested in you or isn’t worth your time. Either way, invest your time in someone worthy of it and you.

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