I’m planning on taking my girlfriend on a date soon, and I want to do something nice, but not extravagant.

Honestly, I’ve typed and deleted so many different ways to give context about this question, but I can’t think of the right words to say. Basically, I just want to spend time with her in a special environment.

Edit: Question should be “What’s the best kind of date to take your ~~introverted~~ socially anxious girlfriend on?”

  1. Dinner at a nice restaurant, and try to get a booth away from crowds. Then take her to a bookstore or hobby shop.

  2. Go to one of those sushi places that have a booth with those curtain setups so you’re like half hidden from conversation but also in a nice restaurant.

  3. Arcade dates are always a great first date for introverts, considering everyone under 12, is looking at the flashing lights, and everyone over 12 is likely an introvert themself lol

  4. An you share something that she enjoys? What’s are her interests? Find something that reflects those but has few people around.

    If you’re a good cook you can make a favorite recipe of yours to share with her. Target something you think she’ll like.

    If she likes the out doors, take her on a walk and a picnic.

    If she into astronomy take her out star gazing in a neat spot. Bring snacks and blankets and talk about astronomy.

  5. coffee in a quiet shop, pref one with the hygge vibe.




    the park. walks are nice. or fly a kite together, it’s fun 🙂 frisbee! or swing on the swings.

    bike ride.

    botanical gardens.

    the zoo.

    rent a boat on the lake, drift around, chat.

    art exhibit.

    ghost tour–it’s almost october!

  6. Do the things she loves to do. Walking. Talking. Listening. Art. Gardening. Visiting new places. Trying out new foods. Watching certain movies. Or something as simple as holding her close and letting her sleep in your arms.

  7. If you are a level 12 introvert like me… I find a pho or Thai restaurant that looks like no one has been inside in 10 years. It is quiet, soothing music, hardly any English is spoken so you don’t need to talk to the waitress, and usually the food is better than anything you have had in your life.

  8. …what does she like?

    If you think you’re going to distill an entire human being into a category based on introversion/extroversion, you’re crazy. Aside from maybe not going clubbing, how the hell can we tell you what your girlfriend enjoys based on her being an introvert (along with, what, 35% of the population)?

  9. Stay in, while you both sit on a couch side by side reading books and eating take out, then have sex.

  10. go to a book store, each of of you chose a book for each other, you read it to one other in a park ( picnic )

  11. In home movie date.

    Find out what her favorite movie snack is and pick up a box or two. Usually Target as will other stores. Don’t go to a movie theater to buy a box of candy since they are wickedly overpriced there.

    If she wants fresh popcorn, test it out a few times to get the amount of kernels and timing (of the microwave) down. Pop it on the microwave at the place you will watch the movie because wattage may change and you don’t really want burnt popcorn smell. You can also do the bagged kind which is fine but transfer it to a bowl or… You might be able to get a popcorn bucket from the movie theaters for free which would add a nice touch.

    Have her favorite drink chilling in the frig with a drink condom after it comes out of the fridge. (those insulators to keep the drink cold), or have the stuff to make her a hot chocolate (if she doesn’t like cold drinks).

    Get an remote controlled outlet plug (like the kind that you plug a Christmas tree into) and use that with a floor light to turn it off after getting settled in. Ensure that it works.

    Get some cheap chemlight bracelets from a dollar store. Get clear packing tape. Crack on with it, shake them up, tape them to the floor/carpet so they look like those path lights in the theater.

    Make a comfy nest in the couch or with blankets, since most people might not have a reclining chair.

    Pick one of her favorite movies that are suitable to watch with her. Some favorite movies might be better suited than others. She might like a movie but it might not be right for a date night.

  12. Cook a meal together. Nothing complicated, but something where you can both get involved. Maybe crack open a bottle of wine while cooking. Either that or go to a nice park that has good scenery. Just enjoy the sights and maybe take some snacks/drinks.

  13. Personally I’d shy away from a movie unless you make other plans before or after. You can’t really talk much or get to know each other during a movie (unless it’s at one of your houses, which may give the wrong message before a date). Going to an inexpensive restaurant isn’t a bad choice, especially one that isn’t cramped. If they aren’t extremely introverted I like Red Lobster before or after the dinner rush because, at least mine, is quiet and has very dimmed lights. So it’s easy to feel closed off from other people.

    My current partner is very introverted, but we went to the mall our first date. Went to the different shops, grabbed something to eat at one of the restaurants and did some people watching from the dining area. It let me get to know what she liked, her style, her hobbies, and so on.

  14. I’d say an Art Museum or a Botanical Garden, both are places that are generally quiet and peaceful and allow you to go at your own pace, and if you live in a town with a large College or University in it, they might have an Art Museum or Botanical Garden that is free or cheap to visit.

  15. Find a place in nature that is beautiful and quite at a time that probably noone else except you will be there. Get some nice food, wine, good desert and just talk to her.
    Somewhere where you can look at the stars on the roof of the car is also great.
    My ex and I went one evening to a near peak just to see the city from bird’s eye view. And while he hadn’t planned it or done anything special…it was really nice and I will always remember this night view of the city I have lived in for the past 15 years.

  16. Take her to somewhere there is an activity so when the conversation goes flat, you have something to fall back on.

  17. Here in Chicago we have various forest parks and a beautiful Botanic Garden. Depending on where you are, I would just go enjoy each others company in the great outdoors. Grab a coffee then go enjoy a walk/hike.

  18. One of my favorite date spots with my sweetheart is a Chinese tea house. She’s from Washington, so she’s got coffee and tea in her veins, so she loves it; and I’m enough of a gourmet to check out all sorts of flavors, so it’s got an easy draw for me, too. the place is foreign enough to not attract huge, loud crowds, but cozy enough we can enjoy a relatively quiet, peaceful time. Hope it helps!

  19. Kinda depends on what type of socially anxious. Does she not like to talk to strangers or does she not like to be around strangers? If she just doesn’t like talking to strangers then I agree with things like bookstores, pho/noodle restaurants, movie theaters/shows, museums, those are all places people will generally leave you the fuck alone. If she doesn’t like being around people then depending on where you live, hikes, picnics in a park, a nice scenic drive up a mountain/ around a lake/coastline, if you have the means maybe book an overnight at a cabin rental or something like that

  20. Picnic at a quiet park.

    Evening at a planetarium/observatory.

    B’n’B in the countryside over a weekend.

    A long drive with snacks and music.

    Art gallery.

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