My boyfriend told me he doesn’t think we should be together with no signs or warning. I talked about marriage with him but we’ve talked about it many times so I didn’t think this time would be different. Apparently he told his friend he doesn’t know if I’m the one and that he thinks he’s wasting my time by being with me. I think he just doesn’t know what love is and hasn’t had a good example to base love off of. We’ve been through our ups and downs and are currently in an ldr but I told him I would move home so we could be together. I told him we don’t need to get married any time soon and to just stay together. He said he doesn’t think it’s a good idea and that he feels like its’s selfish of him. All his friends are getting married and 3 of them are having a baby. I just wanted security and to know he wants to be my man. He’s 23 about to turn 24 and I’m 22 about to turn 23. He just got out of he marines corps and is starting his career as a realtor and I’m about to graduate college. He said he needs time to think about it but he also told me he still loves me and wants to be with me and that he doesn’t want to date other girls. I feel like I want to die because I love him so much and don’t want this to end or lose him. I feel completely helpless

TL;DR bf broke up with me bc he doesn’t know if I’m the one he wants to marry

  1. > He just got out of he marines corps and is starting his career as a realtor

    He won’t have a clue as to his likelihood of going anywhere in that career until perhaps 3-6 months have passed. How long has he been licenced and practising?

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