is your view on it dark, gloomy and depressing?

is it a world where do good things and good things will happen and vice versa

is it a world that makes complete sense or not

for you is it structured as school, work, family, death or is it a wide open adventure

  1. Everything’s a lesson even if it doesnt happen to you, every death every tragedy, every fuck up some has done is something you can look at and learn from. All of these things that have happened that seemed bad are a positive for you because you can learn how to either survive or not do that.

  2. I personally think far too many people think of the world as being much smaller than it is. Yes, in the scale of even just our star system it is small. But the planet itself is insanely large, and incredibly diverse and interesting. There is so much to learn about or to find, and so many cool and interesting people that you can meet on the way.

    The people alive within your own lifetime are uniquely alive at the same time as you. Out of all the millions of years of human existence past and future, these are the people we are spending our time with. Some are terrible, but so many are so full of love and kindness.

    Much like I have no control over a river in Siberia, I have no control over who I meet, or what situations I may find myself in. So, I enjoy my ride on the river, and look forward to the happy times I might have, while understanding that the hurt and pain along the way is just part of the journey.

  3. > is your view on it dark, gloomy and depressing?

    No. The world is filled with far too many kind, patient, and generous people for it to be accurately described as only a place that is dark, gloomy, and depressing.

    >is it a world where do good things and good things will happen and vice versa?

    We are starting to get closer to my idea soft the world. I think that privilege and luck play their parts, and they are large parts indeed. But yes, those who do good are often recognized and held close by those who want good treatment. And in order to keep them close, we play these good people with our own kindness in return. Thus, good people often find other good people and they can show one another love and goodness. Happiness and prosperity can flourish here.

    > is it a world that makes complete sense or not?

    I think the world probably makes sense but also that we don’t have fine enough senses yet to discern it. We know more about the world and ourselves every day.

    > for you is it structured as school, work, family, death or is it a wide open adventure?

    The structure of my life has changed drastically as I’ve grown. Currently, I see my life as revolving around my career, my partner, our home, our family and friends, and my passions & hobbies.

  4. I maintain that I merely have a realistic outlook but people tell me I’m pessimistic. But I guess more inline with your question, I see the world as this beautiful, cruel, wonderfully limited… thing. A thing thay we humans have already destroyed but refuse to admit.

    Karma definitely doesn’t exist. The only to punish evil deeds is with your own hands.

    The world does make sense, yes. Predators chase, kill, and devour the prey. When they’re too successful, they die off from starvation, allowing prey to flourish again. All organisms just want to eat and screw. End of story.

    The stages of civilized life are pretty much entirely structured, yes. It’s the stuff you do outside of them that matter, IMO.

  5. It’s a world where the fairly incompitent lead the enormous masses of total idiots. Without the combined work of a few outliers throughout history, we’d be nothing more than animals, because without them, we really are nothing more than animals.

  6. Inside my circle (work people, family, hockey team) its wonderful.

    Outside my circle, it’s a bit of a shit show probably heading toward the apocalypse.

  7. The world is dark for sure, but is it the world dark or people don’t have/can have enough light?

  8. I think reality is amoral, bad things can happen to good people and vice versa.

    To me it’s not about being happy or sad. These feelings come and go, I just think you should be prepared for the worst but enjoy the good times.

    Also personally, I don’t think I’m special in any way shape or form.

  9. I view it like I view nature. Looks good but it’s harsh, shitty and everything around you wants to kill you. Life makes sense as long as I force myself to see it that way. In the end, I’m just another animal whose metabolism forces me to wake up, eat and try to breed, and that isn’t killed by another predator in the end of the day.

  10. It’s what we each make of it. I can’t stand depressed, woe is me, my life’s shit and there’s nothing I can do about fatalists that do nothing and don’t even try.

    We’re incredibly lucky to be alive. Every day is a crazy miraculous adventure Full of new lessons and experiences if you just open yourself up to them.

    Eternal optimism is the way to go.

  11. To me, the world is comprised of 70% decent people that would tell you if you dropped a $20, 20% merry pranksters that you can never tell if they’re being serious or not, and 10% raging assholes that will calm you stupid to your face for making a simple mistake.

    My view on life is to leave the world better than I found it.

    I believe no act of kindness is wasted.

    I also believe there are people not worth your time, thoughts, or mental energy. There’s not that many people who’s opinion you should care about, and you get to pick who they are.

    Most people don’t care about you. This is both as terrifying and exhilarating as it sounds.

    I’m here to help, I’m happy to help, I want to help, but I’m not dying to help.

    All things must pass.

  12. Mostly a glass full guy, but after the last couple years I find myself getting angry about shit that’s out my and all of our control

    Reddit is pretty therapeutic in that regard – restores my faith (somewhat) that most people are generally decent even if we don’t always share same opinion

  13. Chaos. You’ll find whatever you’re looking for in there. Good. Bad. Weird. Boring. Nothing. It’s alll there. I will admit tho.. my brain sees a lot of negative out there.

  14. The world grinds on, ignorant of an individual’s actions. It sucks for everyone, so we owe it to each other to try and help mitigate the suffering of those around us. What we do doesn’t matter in the long run, but it matters to the individuals we help.

    I envy conspiracy theorists – they believe that there is some dark powerful sinister force pulling the strings. It’s much scarier than that, there’s no one at the wheel, no plan, and none of it means anything.

  15. The world’s a shit hole.

    Unless you got several million in the bank you’re nothing but a cog in the machine. A wage slave.

    For me what makes it worse is the fact I’m single. I have a good career, a cat, my own place and yet approaching 35 single.

    Told my closest friend the only thing keeping me from killing myself is my parents.

    But once their gone I’ve already made arrangements so that I won’t be burdening anyone with my unexpected death.

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