For me as a male to be sexually attracted to a women it is definitely their body, more specifically their butt, hips and legs. What can I say I am a simple man.

What about you?

  1. If they generally take good care of themselves (not obese, exercises on a regular basis, showers often, etc.) then that’s all I need.

    I have specific likes (small breasts, for example), but it really doesn’t matter.

  2. I don’t really care for guys body types that much
    as long as they’re healthy. I care about their face because that’s important.. I don’t have a specific face i like lol. And personality should be 100% they can be the most attractive person but if their personality is shit no way I’m hooking up with them

  3. I don’t have any super strong universal preferences, but I like a nice butt and long hair regardless of gender. Not a fan of a ton of hair. Good hygiene is a MUST.

  4. It’s all in the face for me. For whatever reason they have to have a certain nose. Weird I know

  5. for me a cute/beautiful face, sexy eyes, shoulder long or long hair, normal or lightly Chubby, big Boobs

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