Need help
I’ve been dating a girl who is a same age (21) as me we’ve been together for 1 months only (p.s: I ve never been dating someone until i met that girl) she was the one who did the 1st move. And i just fell in love quickly everything was like a dream until she decided to dump me. The reason she told me was I wasnt paying enough attention to her. And she get back to her ex. While i was finding a way to get out of this feeling and after 3 months she texted me that she cant forget about me. I still had a feelings for her. So it was great to me. 3 or 4 days later she told me that we cant be together and dumped me again. What should i do ?
(Sorry for my bad english i am not a native english speaker so i did my best) (Hope you guys not gonna make a fun of me)

Tl;dr- My ex just dumped me twice i could do it one but cant twice

  1. OK. You are already doing it. And you can do it. Just day by day move forward and don’t get back with her. She doesn’t deserve you and is not the one for you. You are going to be okay. This way is the only way to eventually be with someone who deserves you.

  2. What do you mean what should you do? I don’t understand why you need to do anything here, besides maybe decide not to respond next time she reaches out.

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