I’ve been dating this guy for 2 weeks now. We hit it off immediately. One of those perfect first dates where the conversation just flows, chemistry is there and the flirting is on point! Since then we’ve tried to see each other every chance we can get and Telephone calls/texting each other all day. I can tell that he really likes me, genuinely. He’s already told me that he isn’t dating or talking to anyone else and would like to see where we go (which is fine by me)
… and has said that he really likes and cares about me

Last night we were on the phone and I made a stupid joke, he way over-laughed at the joke (it was only a little funny) and said “that’s one of the things I love about you, you’re so funny”

It “record scratched” stopped me in my tracks so I changed the subject and pretended everything was normal and I didn’t just hear that.

Am I reading too into this? Was it simply colloquial?

2 weeks is way too soon right?

Maybe I’m broken but this feels like a red flag or at least a yellow one.


  1. I think of it like, he’s complimenting what he likes about you, but just used the word love. Communication is key though so you could always ask.

  2. It may just be a compliment and that’s fine! Just roll with it and have fun. If he begins to escalate those type of compliments then you will know your answer.

  3. Totally fine and not a red flag IMO. Saying you love a specific quality about someone is not the same as saying you love them. Early in our relationship my ex and I used to say this kind of thing all the time— “I love your eyes” “I love your smile” “I love your sense of humor” “I love it when you X” etc etc— as a way of expressing our affection before we were ready to drop the big L. It just means he likes you a lot!

  4. Thanks everyone, I think I’m on edge because I’m 18 months out of a very toxic and long relationship so I’m overly cautious about red flags since I missed so many of them before.

    He has dropped hints that he’s catching feels and it makes me nervous. It’s only been 2 weeks, what if he’s another bad guy. We click on every level so I worry he’s just another narcissist mirroring me.

  5. Oh and the joke was actually pretty bad so when he laughed really hard at it I was confused. He told me he just had a milkshake and I said something like “you better go check your yard for boys”

    Not even that funny, anyway…. I’m an overthinking mess

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