This isnt about me (24f) but my close friend (34f). Im really concerned she’s set herself up for a heartbreak. Over the past year shes been jumping from one relationship to another (3 in total) and I thought she might take a break to heal after the last break up. But instead she met a guy (37m) on a dating site. At first I was kinda fond of him but the more she talks about him the more I wanna punch him in the throat. But I dont know if Im being too judgemental or if my gut is right.
So here are the things that bother me:
When they are having a deeper convo or my friend is just expressing her feelings about something he takes around 15-30 minutes to reply.
But when they get into dirty/sex talk he replies within seconds.
She is the main initiator of the conversation. She asks questions and is genuinely curious about him and his life. But all he does is talk about himself and never returns the question. He knows literally nothing about her. When she asked him what does he actually know about her he said “Well, you like books and stuff like that.” …she works in a bookstore. Duh. (I have ADD so i tend to talk about my experience as a way to relate to the person im talking to but this is something else. He doesnt even let her finish her sentence.) And when she confront him about him being uninterested in her he uses his trauma (his ex wife allegedly cheated on him and was shaming him for his d size which is ridiculous cuz hes above the average. Dont ask how i know) as a shield (my friend is really sensitive and he knows that clearly) and saying that if she wanted him to know something she should just tell him and he doesnt want to be nosey. Which would be fair if they werent talking about their favourite colours.
He sends (idk if still) his dickpic to his married female friend because (his words) he is warming her up for her husband when he is not home.
And he is a gamer which isnt an issue since i play games too but he never lets her sleep at his place and always tell her to go before 7pm because he plays OW with his friends on discord every single night. He doesnt even want to go on a date with her after 7pm.

I told her my concerns and that i see major redflags but I dont want her to make a decision based on my opinion she might regret in the future. I just want your takes because im still young and finding my own style of dating so I just might be too picky/sensitive/judgy. Let me know what do you think.
Thank you. 🙂

1 comment
  1. Ur right he is just using her for sex… Nor his wife has left him … He is just stucked to a story who has told to many women .. it a red flag n make her understand…

    Or do one thing let her go to his home at after 8… Thn will know the whole story … Go as a stranger not as a lover

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