Do you have a “type” and how much will you deviate from it when dating?

  1. Not really. I have to be able to laugh with and communicate well with someone. If we can’t carry on a conversation then what’s the point.

  2. My type is chubby women lol but my current dilemma with that is I have no other choice but to be as physically fit as possible pretty much until I die or I live with chronic pain from a spine injury. The more fit I get, the less pain I deal with. I’m not attracted to fit, slim, petite, or muscular women, and chubby women can’t keep up or try to get me to deviate from my plan and derail me either by trying to take up too much of my time that I can’t work out, or putting unhealthy food in front of me constantly. I feel held back in fitness by dating, but wouldn’t want to deviate from my type. So I learned to love being single, and that works so far the last 4 years anyway.

  3. I think the idea of a “type”, at least when it comes to physical traits, is oversimplified and often untrue. I think what often happens is that people get an idea of what their “type” is, based on a moment in time, impulses they’ve had, short-lived trends among past partners, etc and then start to define a type for themselves that becomes a bit of identity. The story we tell ourselves about what attracts us can become out “type”, but I think that has more to do with people closing off anything outside of that definition.

    We of course all have *preferences*, but I think the idea of “type” is far too reductive, and results in shallow conclusions like “I like blondes with big boobs”, or “I like brunettes with glasses”.

  4. My type is pretty broad… I like interesting looking guys. Can’t really define it, I just know it when I see it.

    Guys with some character in their face, not just generic Instagram fitness models.

  5. i used to say i didn’t, until all my exes don’t in the same box. Fit, smart, gamers and have blue/green eyes. i have been on dates with guys who aren’t my type but it doesn’t really lead anywhere.

  6. Yes, but I think it’s more on the emotional/personality side of things.

    I like people who are high in empathy, who spend time in introspection, who want to talk about complicated human relationship nonsense and how we should treat each other, etc.

    Physically, I’ve been very attracted to people across different body types, though I’ll admit a weakness for things like particularly striking eyes. That being said, I am a large human and find that when it comes to sex, I like other larger humans more than particularly skinny or small ones. It feels like we can do more and enjoy more without me worrying about breaking them.

  7. What I found is that it’s not so much that I have a type, but there’s a type that’s attracted to me. So I keep running into versions of the same woman that are super into me

  8. Irish, big eyes (green or blue) long hair, light skin, athletic. And I don’t think I’ve deviated much from it. My wife fits all of them and most every girl I ever hooked up with did as well.

    Genuinely didn’t realize I had a type until I was talking about with an old GF and she pointed out I do not “waver from my type”. Realized shit, I do have a type don’t I?

  9. I tend to go for nerdy girls, such as girls who are into comics, anime, video games, etc, which are essentially things that I’m personally into. It gives us something to talk about. I also prefer women who are very intelligent or are passionate about their hobbies.

  10. I always say my type is short dark haired chicks. The 3 people I’ve dated have been tallish and blonde lol

  11. Smart. If we can’t have a conversation about history, current events, politics in a sane and rational way, forget it. In a relationship you are going to spend more time talking than fucking.

  12. I don’t really have a “type” more like a point system. You get so many points for how good you look and so many points for how good your personality is. The caveat is you can never have enough points with only your looks or personality.

  13. I tend to like Middle Eastern looking women/North Indians. Something about olive skin and black hair with those types of features. I don’t think I can deviate from that specific type it’s just something I have always been attracted to.

  14. I learned a long time ago to not focus on a type.

    You look for those amazing connections. By focusing only on a specific type you may pass up someone that is an amazing partner.

    My current gf is a perfect example. She is physically, almost completely opposite what I would look for as a type but I can say I couldn’t find a better partner.

    I prefer, tall, athletic, busty and curvy women with waist length dark hair and green eyes.

    My gf is barely 5ft, pixie haircut, very petite build and brown to hazel eyes. And I wouldn’t trade her for anyone.

  15. My “type” is tall athletic build, very cheerful. My last 2 girlfriends have been short and bipolar. Clearly my type is pretty fluid.

    I think if I’m being honest with myself, my “type” is actually “she’s into me”.

  16. Yes, but my type doesn’t really seem to go for me so I have looked elsewhere and have found some unexpectedly wonderful things when preferences for what I think I like are removed.

  17. Yes, I have a type. It’s very, very specific though, so I’m willing to deviate an extreme amount. Also, I’m lonely, so I’ll deviate a larger extreme amount.

    For those wondering the type: Long (preferably a very specific shade of green OR black with a coloured streak) hair going halfway to 2 thirds down the back, green/blue eyes though more unnatural shades like red or purple are fair game, tallish frame around 5’9, small to medium bust and above average butt. Also, I prefer cute over sexy/hot, for some reason.

    Like I said, extremely specific.

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