my first thought is that they don’t like me and that’s why they don’t respond. but maybe i’m jumping to conclusions. would it be dramatic for me to think that?

I’m in a group chat with 5 guys. (Cory, Chris, Darren, Kevin and me) We worked together. we were the only gay coworkers and we would go out all the time. I’ve known them for years

We have a group chat and I feel like i’m always left on read. I recently moved 4 hours away but we still text sometimes

There are many many times when I will ask the group chat a question and no one will respond at all. It’s to the point that I don’t message the group chat first at all. cause i anticipate being ignored


it was Ryan’s birthday and he messaged the chat

“i’m about to be 24 soon”

and i said

“where did you wanna go for your birthday?”

and they all said nothing. i was the only one that replied to ryan too. this type of stuff is frequent to me it happens all the time in many more ways

but when other people message the chat it seems like they get replies. at least I know i respond

yesterday Ryan texted me solo and asked me when I was going to come down to visit. And I told him I was thinking this weekend and he told me that he has the weekend off. and i thought he was implying that we could go out

Ryan sent a tiktok to the group chat and we were all texting about it. and then i messaged “were you guys thinking about going out this weekend?” just to see if maybe we could make plans when i come back

and they all didn’t reply. i know they all saw my instagram story so it’s not like they couldn’t reply. am i texting things weird?

  1. They are ignoring you. They don’t like you. People do this when they don’t like what someone has done, so they are trying to send you a message. Maybe find a new group chat?

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