This is a silly vent but with an underlying relationship problem.

I mentioned to my husband that I was going to buy nipple covers. Ever since I breast fed our baby I’ve gotten used to the freedom of padless, wireless bras. Although the comfort is nice they don’t conceal the pointy-ness of nipples, hence why I wanted to give nipple covers a try.

Out of the blue my husband said he bought covers for me on his Amazon account. The problem with his account is that he *shares it with his family members,* meaning his parents, siblings, aunts and uncles who are all very conservative saw his purchase! I’ve always made my own purchases on my account and by no means have I ever asked him to get something personal for me on Amazon.

I explained to him that I’m embarrassed that he did that, especially since I never asked him and that next time he should ask me before doing something like that (and most likely I would tell him not to buy freaking covers for me). Rather than laughing this off, we ended up arguing because he cannot fathom why this was a problem. I told him that it mattered to me and I didn’t like it, but rather than seeing those as legitimate reasons in itself he tried to argue that I was wrong. He ended up getting upset over me getting upset and said “I’ll just throw them away…I won’t be thoughtful anymore.”

What bothers me is that this type of argument happens frequently. Whenever I disagree with him about something, I think that he sees it as my way to contradict his opinion when in reality it’s how I felt regardless of how he thought.

I just want him to see that my feelings are valid enough and not everything has to turn into a debate of who is right. Any advice?

  1. I can understand being a little embarrassed but trust me, his family already knows you have nipples. Would you be embarrassed to buy diapers on the account because then “they’d know” your baby poops?

  2. Why does he share an Amazon account with his uncle? Plus as a new mom no one would really question you on anything

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