Out of the blue this guy comes up to me and starts talking to me, he asked my name in which I answer like one does. It was like day 2 or so of us knowing each other and he shows me a drawing he made of me (it was incredible btw). We kept talking on and off since we go to school together and one day I asked for his number to try and plan a hangout. He invited me out for ice cream and that went well. It was the first time I really got to sit down and talk with him, get to know him. I’m super into squirrels and I kept pointing them out and telling him squirrel facts while we were together and he called me adorable. I am not too sure if it was in a flirty way or not but I got a good feeling from that.

The next two days were sort of slow, I have 2 classes with him and we never get a good chance to talk, it’s always just small talk and even that we are both kind of reluctant. I was thinking of asking him if he would accompany me to lunch next week but how would I insinuate it being a date and not just a hangout as friends? Like I said I don’t even know if he likes me in that way or not. He is friendly with everyone *including girls* so I’m not sure if I’m just another one of his many school friends. Please help men, how would I ask a guy on a date as a female *that won’t confuse him*!

  1. Ah, the daily girl trying to ask out dude post. Just tell him you like him and want to go on a date.

  2. “Hey, have lunch with me tomorrow. I wanna have you captive for a half hour so I can ask you out on a date this weekend.”

  3. Just be upfront. No one wants to play games. Be honest and don’t be afraid of failure. If it works, it works. If not, you’ve a whole life ahead of you. You sound like a sweetheart, just be you.

  4. Just ask. Don’t over think it. Just say whatever you want. It is NOT weird for a female to ask a guy to go do something.

  5. You can literally say anything, a guy will be so happy. Most guys live quiet lives of desperation lol and especially with being called creepy and all the other insults that happen if you’re not a particularly beautiful guy. You asking him might even be the only shot! I say go for it any way you can!

  6. Just on the off chance that he’s an oblivious dumb fuck like me, ask him to do something intimate and traditionally date like – cinema, eat etc. Assuming he says yes, make it clear on the ‘date’, by maybe hand holding or some other kind of physical intimacy, that this isn’t just friendship you’re seeking. Subtlety is not your friend.

  7. Tell him you have a secret to tell him and cup your hand to whisper but then just fart. He’ll know what’s up

  8. >how would I ask a guy on a date as a female that won’t confuse him!

    use your words to say what you mean

    don’t use your words to try and manipulate things until someone else gives you what you want

  9. Just ask. I would be happy if someone was so straightforward with me. If it turns out they’re not interested then be prepared for it. I deal with rejection every day. However, I figure that knowing (rejection or acceptance) fairs better for me than wondering what if.

  10. Just say it. “I like spending time with you. And if you’d like to do something fun, let’s go on a date this weekend. Any place you’d like to get lunch?”

    We like words being said straight to our faces. Don’t beat around the bush. It fills us with glee so just say it.

    Best case scenario: you make his day and he’s been waiting to ask you out too.

    Worst case scenario: He didn’t see you that way but now you’ve shot your shot and that automatically puts you ahead of most women who’ll talk to a guy his age.

  11. Just shoot your shot! I find a woman that takes initiative refreshing. Plus with my social anxiety, if you want me to ask you put, you’re gonna have to wait for a looooooong time.

  12. Be blunt. Smile and say, ‘I really like you and enjoy our conversations. Would you like to have lunch with me next week?’

    A big part of any relationship is having courage.

    Good luck girlfriend.

  13. You must do the courtship dance. That’s the reason guys never pick up on women’s hints. They never do the courtship dance.

  14. Just walk up to him and say “Hey, I think you’re cute. Would you like to go on a date with me?”.

  15. As a man I can tell you the best way is to go straight and tell him, maybe he is kinda shy and is overthinking about doing the first move. Go ahead and break the ice asking first.

  16. “So, are you single?”


    “Cool, so am I. Wanna meet up sometime and see how it goes?”

  17. Simple solution for that kinda issues:
    Close your eyes. Imagine how you’d wat HIM to ask YOU out on a date. Now do just that.

  18. Buy a foam hammer. Boop him on the head and say “Hi. I think you’re cute. Wanna grab coffee some time later?” Repeat until you get an answer. Occasionally ask things like “How does Friday sound?” And you’re golden

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