Basically I’m a girl who’s in second semester of college and I only have one friend. I know that’s better than nothing but we hang out like once a week and other than that, I have no plans whatsoever. Sometimes I just get back to my dorm and it’s like 1pm and I realize that I have no more plans for this day. I’ve been feeling super depressed lately because of that. Like I hate being alone and I’m far away from my family now. I just feel super lonely.

I’ve been trying to meet new people and make some new friends like in my classes or just at my college in general but I feel like it never goes anywhere. I’ve joined so many clubs but I’m not really making any friends there despite trying to talk to people.

Basically it’s always one of these 3 scenarios; 1. I get a vibe that they don’t want to talk to me, 2. the conversation dies after a few basic getting-to-know-each-other questions, 3. we talk for a while and I actually feel like we might possibly get along maybe but it never goes beyond that like we never become friends, we’ll always be just classmates and nothing more. That’s how it was last semester with basically everyone and I see it repeating this semester as well. I don’t know what to do.

(I take care of myself, wear makeup, wear trendy outfits, I don’t think I look particularly ugly, I would say I look like an average girl in college, I have pretty basic and broad interests too so it’s not like I’m in some specific niche and can’t find anyone similar to myself, and I also try to be nice to everyone and ask them questions about themselves, but also share a bit about myself and I try to actually listen to them too)…

I just don’t know what it is. 🙁

1 comment
  1. Fwiw, it sounds you’re doing pretty well for a Freshman. The first couple of semesters are rough! I’d wager that many of your peers experience similar uncertainties. Keep doing what you’re doing. Find some hobbies, cultivate your new relationships, and before you know it you’ll feel like you’ve always lived there. Also, stay in touch and visit family and friends as much as possible during this time. It will help with the transition.

    Best of luck to you! You got this! 🙂

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