Wife says she can’t understand why any woman would need a man

  1. Ask her. Calmly and ready to listen. Maybe she means she’s self-reliant and doesn‘t need to depend on anyone else, but loves and wants you. Or she’s (passive aggressively?) trying to tell you she’s unhappy in your relationship and perhaps would rather be single.

    As a married woman who would be devastated if something happened to my husband, I am somewhat concerned about this comment. I also would probably not remarry if he passes before I do.

  2. I think this is a passive-aggressive comment and I would absolutely not let my wife continue to make this kind of a comment even if she is framing it as a “joke” I would stop what I was doing, and tell her flat out “that is an insulting comment that hurt my feelings and I don’t want to hear it again”.

    The problem with joke comments like this is you say them enough and people start to believe their own jokes. There is probably 100 million people in the US for example that believe that Sarah Palin actually said “I can see Russia from my house” in the original Katie Couric interview, even though she did not ever say that, it was Tina Fay that said it on SNL (and it was a damn good joke and rightly killed the political career of a horrible horrible presidential VP choice)

    It’s one of those jokes that might have been funny the first time but in your marriage it’s long past it’s “sell by” date.

    If she can’t let go of it then make up your own stupid dumb sexist joke about women and start repeating it to her every time she says her stupid joke.

  3. She has fallen out of love with you. Nothing you can really do. I would book a consult with a good attorney so you can mount a good legal battle in family court.

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