I(m) was texting a friend(f) the other day and she never responded. We had texted the evening before, and she seemed fairly engaged, I sent a text the next morning to try and continue the conversation and she never responded.

I sent another text today and she responded and also said, “sorry I didn’t see you texted me”, this has happened before but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she is legitimately busy with school and stuff. But at the same time, I’m not entirely sure if I believe it because she does have a history of not responding/being slow to respond. She doesn’t owe me anything obviously and the fact she acknowledged that she didn’t reply is probably a good thing but if she isn’t interested in talking to me and just said that to be nice, then I have no interest in continuing talking to her.

What’s a good way to respond to this?

  1. Next time don’t double text them and wait for them to text back so you don’t put them on the spot of having to come up with an excuse.

  2. If she has a history of consistently not responding, then she does not see interactions with you as a priority. Remember people eventually make time for whom they want to make time for. Talking to you is not a priority to this friend.

    You need to pull back and move on, not entertain conversations with this friend.

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