2 years together and planning to be married, we met at Yale. Left my job took a new one and moved to a new state to be with her. We had our life planned together, how we would save for a home. Have children. We had a dog I loved so much.

Fast forward 2 years:

I look through her texts and find well, nudes sent to multiple men on snapchat. She denies it very hard. Then I search her phone and find pictures of random men she can’t explain. She feels badly, she cries, tries to play the victim. Pleads for couples therapy, then attaches me on an email to be in couples therapy with her, I get tired of her calls and block her number. I give her back her ring, and take mine and leave and refuse to talk to her any longer.

But the pain still lingers, I still love her more than anything. I’ve been back on the apps and gone on a handful of dates. Some with some very wonderful women, but it doesn’t matter all I can see is her face, hear her voice. Feel her touch. I ask my self should I go back? Should I give it a chance with couple’s therapy but then remind myself how many pictures I saw there is no way. Infidelity is a sharp knifes that cuts on both sides.

Despite all of this she was good to me during the two years, she got me through some of the hardest periods of my life and was quite a supportive and loving person, she did a lot of sacrificing to be with me. It’s hard to realize someone can be a good person but have such terrible traits, almost a monster. Self-deception towards the end she was lying so much, she couldn’t maintain straight stories and I rarely forget details.

TL:DR fiance was unfaithful I hurt like the a baby 😀

  1. You are feeling robbed of the future that you thought you were going to have. Your fiancée is not the person that you thought she was and she possibly never was. It’s a cliché but all you can do is give it time. Under no circumstances should you try to get back with her, your self respect will be in the gutter as will any respect she may have for you.

  2. Better you meet with other girls who is the right one for you coz if you end up with her there’s a tendency that you will open up what she did and it will hurt her and hurt you.

  3. What you miss is the image of the person you had in your head, not the actual person who was being fake to your face and doing all this behind your back. She was hoping the counselor could help her blame shift and rugsweep

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